The Journal of Olive and Valor when Dad and Mom were in the Philippines


Our children are so blessed to have extra Grandma and Grandpa time when Dan and I were in the Philippines.  Grandma planned an amazing schedule with fun packed activities and seeing many friends! Even as I write, Olive came in and saw what I was doing and said "Tell everyone that we did all sorts of FUN STUFF!" Enjoy a picture blog of ALL SORTS OF FUN STUFF with Grandma and Grandpa. They even made a journal to share with us which was so fun!  At the end, I added the pictures of "The Journal of Olive and Valor when Dad and Mom were in the Philippines". 

They had art time with Grandma, and a campfire! 

Got to go to the Stoneboro Fair! 


Extra snuggles and hugs from Grandpa! 

They made Marshmallow launchers! 

And got to see a lot of friends . . . we did not get pictures of all of them! Thank you friends for loving Olive and Valor when Mommy and Daddy were away! 

"The Journal of Olive and Valor when Dad and Mom were in the Philippines". 

Free to RUN: Carole Teaching in Brazil


Free to RUN - Inner Healing Teaching in Brazil

Freedom and healing! I love teaching! My job as a teacher is to make space for God to speak to each of his children and bringing His love, truth and compassion that changes people lives! I am a living testimony that God changes lives! And He wants to change yours!

This week the theme was "Run your race with endurance, naked and unashamed" and we learned how to use tools like repentance, sowing into our spirits, forgiveness, believing the best, believing Gods everlasting love for us to use in our daily lives to be able to run the races God has set before us!

We had an obstacle course with backpacks filled with heavy books, picked up trash and pulled out weeds. Nailed sins to the cross and poured pitcher of water over a small glass of coffee! We played tug of war, took off sunglasses, played catch and let go of strings of attachment we were holding onto!

We became naked and unashamed, called sin sin, repented, received forgiveness, renewed our minds, switched our perspective to God's and forgave others! We kicked Satan in the butt and messed up his plans for our lives, embracing freedom and healing that we were created for! Enjoy some pictures of the week!

Thank you, Kees and Victoria, the leaders of the Deaf World Brazil DTS for inviting me and making space for God to move in your hearts, opening the doors for God to move in the students and class this week! I love you and so proud of you! They gifted me with a beautiful Brazil handwrap and a necklace.

"Gods voice is more important than my (Carole's) voice". Creating space for God to speak, recording what He tells us, declaring it outloud and praying it out with staff support!


Choosing to take of the "sunglasses" of lies and believe God's truth!

Welcoming Holy Spirit to guide us and choosing to forgive and let go of people who have hurt us!


Extra special things:

Caleb taught the Father Heart of God the week before and overlapped with me! He was my ROCK and intercessor for the week, praying for me, checking in and helping support all that God was doing! He led a game night as well as share a few dramas in class. I loved discussing teaching with him!

Kevlasha was also in Brazil during the week so it was a little reunion from the
4th DTS in DC with Kees too! It was fun to have us all together.

There was a reunion from the 1st Deaf World Brazil DTS from last year! 
It was so easy to jump right back into this beautiful family! 

I got to spend an afternoon with this amazing family! 
Davidson, the Father of the Deaf ministry in Brazil. We laughed, talked and prayed 
and Lu made delicious food!

I got to attend the celebration of Fiesta Junina at the base on Friday night. It is the second biggest celebration in Brazil. There was dancing, games, food, fellowship, and more dancing! I believed we were just celebrating with heaven the freedom and healing that happened during the week!



Thank you, Jesus for an amazing week! And a maintenance problem lead to a 4 hour delay and a cancelled flight provided an opportunity to see a good friend, Aly, her husband, Lucas, and a her baby girl, Maite.  So honored to be given a Brazil flag to pray for Brazil by Lucas.

Aly said "It is so good to see you but who I really want to see if your children, Olive and Valor, I miss them so much!  She loves our kids.  She even has them on her fridge.  Can you find Olive, Valor and me? 

Thank you for all of the healing you poured out this week.  Will you continue to heal Brazil!