I saw the specialist there is no more traces of the overgrowth of Candida in my system!
The results reflected the complete restoration that I knew in my spirit that God did in me. Out of 14 body systems and organs only 6 of them were in the yellow and the other 8 were in GREEN (functioning how they are supposed to without stress)! My first results I had ALL 14 body systems and organs in the MID range yellow and 7 clearly over the MID range closer to the red (really bad) area! Even the specialist was taken back by the amazing results!
Thank you and all glory goes to the FATHER, JESUS and HOLY SPIRIT!
Thank you for your love, encouragement and prayers!
It was awesome to be able to process with Calvin what I learned during the last 4 months and discuss about what are possible next steps for me my results showed that my liver is still struggling to function as it was created for. So right now I am praying through what standard of eating and living God desires for me to make a lifestyle now that I have the freedom to choose. I want applying the lessons He taught me through the battle. I want to use the freedom to glorify God and choose life for my body!
Even though I have the results, I would still like to share the rest of the process with you. Today, I wrote two blogs # 1 Candida Infection: Called to Believe God's Word and #2 Candida Infection: God, the Master Planner. So to get the story in order go down to Called to Believe God's Word first and then read God, the Master Planner.
There is still more to testify and share so I will continue to blog the process that God took me through to the victory and the lessons that I have learned through the battle. And the last blog will share even more about the results and processing I am going through now.