Children are a blessing and gift from the Lord!

Quick Update: Kyrgyzstan Team arrived home safe

Kimberlee and the Hershey kids waiting for their Dad and me waiting for my husband!
 Thank you for your prayers, Dan and the team arrived home safely, very tired but safe! 
They had an amazing trip and God did so much in each one of them 
as well as through their prayers! 
Dan is writing a brief summary of his trip that I will post next week some time with pictures! 

Together again after 16 days apart!

Children truly are a blessing and a gift from the Lord 
and God is providing them all around Dan and I! 
We wanted to celebrate with our family and friends 
and welcome three little blessings into the world!

Blessing #1:
Talia Shea McClelland born on January 26th, 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 in, 
to Grant and Sarah McClelland in New York!

Blessing #2
Aila Eden Joy Zepeda born on March 14th, 8 lbs 4 oz. and 19 in,
to Aaron and Kim Zepeda in Washington DC!

Blessing #3
Micah James McClelland born on March 22nd, 8 lbs and 21 in,
to Kelby and Rachel McClelland in North Carolina!

Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord. 
Psalm 127:3

Talia, Aila and Micah,
Dan and I, believe that you are truly a blessing and gift from the Lord.
We welcome you with your parents into the world.
You are deeply loved by your Heavenly Father, your parents and your aunt and uncle in DC!
You are children of destiny and royalty!
We bless you with deep intimacy with Jesus, understanding of his love,
and passion to love others like Him.
Following in your parents footsteps, falling in love with Jesus.
And continuing the legacy you were born into, radical world changers and laid-down lovers.
We love you and bless you! 

Family Portrait: How many days has been the longest Dan and Carole have been apart?


How many days has been the longest 
Dan and Carole have been apart 
in their 4.5 years of marriage? 

Clue #1: It was March 2012. 

Clue #2:  Dan visited his brothers and their wives, Grant and Sarah in NY and Kelby and Rachel in NC. He also made a visit and met the team at YWAM DC. 

Clue #3: It was planned that I would go to Nicaragua and do Spanish school but due to my infected root canal stayed in Costa Rica recovering. But the last week of the of the month, I got to go home and visit my family in Chicago!

Clue #4: As a way to love me through words of affection, which is one of my love languages, he wrote a letter for each day that we would be apart. I still read those letters when He is away. :)

 The answer is . . . 30 Days

The night Dan left for Kyrgyzstan

This trip is a total of 16 days and we only have 2 more days to go. 
As Dan will be arriving in DC Wednesday night! 

During the last 14 days, I have had the opportunity to catch up and see many people! It has been a joy to do so!  Below are some pictures of friends and family saw! 

Mom and Dad McClelland at the farm! 
Got the van fixed in PA and got 3 relaxing days with God and nights of great fellowship!

Me, Amanda, Anna and Liz! For an early B-day gathering for me!

Bible Study in MD, seeing old friends and made some new ones. 

Laura Penrod and me on the train! I love this girl! 

Sleepover with Mariah and Laura! We talked until 1 or 2 in the morning! 

Then the next morning, Mariah made Gluten-free pancakes for us! Yum!

Catch up dinner and beautiful walk with Shani and Jessica, two amazing staff at YWAM DC. 

Blessed to catch up with Heather twice and once meeting her parents after church! 

Sharla, a breath of fresh air, always!  Hanging out sharing what God has been teaching us!

Up Close and Personal: Girl Time-Botanical Gardens

Quick Update on trips:

Dan and the team are made it to Kyrgyzstan.  They are doing well. The team there is very international and Dan loves it.  He is roommates with a man from Germany.  They are having some awesome breakthrough in prayer for countries in Central Asia, praying for a different country everyday. Above is a picture of the mountains in Kyrgyzstan, Dan sent me. 

The team left this morning to RIT/NTID in New York.  Last night they were all excited and ready to go! Kimberlee, the kids and I leave tomorrow morning for our trip to New York for the base directors meeting, where we will share what has been happening at YWAM DC! 

(Carole, Liza, Kari, Renca)

 At the start of the year, we started discipleship groups at our base, where once every week or two weeks a smaller group of woman (or men but not woman and men unless you are in the married couple discipleship group) get together for a connection!  So the ASL girls get together and the ASL boys get together. We call it girls time or men time!

During the past season of Breakthrough 45, we lived and prayed in the same building. So, we have been excited to have our girl time out of the building and do something more active.  The girls decided that we would take turns planning a time out with each other.  Last month, I got free week-long gym passes for the girls and we went to the gym.  We all got to work out and spend time in the gym's Jacuzzi. 

The boys have been going out as well.  They usually go to a coffee shop or take a walk outside, processing what God has been doing in their lives and encouraging one other.

During the first week of March,  Liza planned a day out for the girls at the Botanical Gardens in DC.  It was amazing to walk around beautiful nature and flowers and see all the different displays.  Some time we spend sitting on a bench and reading in beauty, chatting and catching up with each other, and just walking around in awe of the beauty. 

Below are some pictures Liza took while we were there!

Setting Focus: March


-Breakthrough 45 is complete!  It was such a stretching and growing time for each of us here, doing deep to the core of who we are and from that place praying for the nations! Every night was awesome and different, but the night 42 were were prayed for the blood of Jesus to cover every nation by name was so awesome!  We had a glass bowl and everyone that day got in a line and just picked a country name from the bowl and said a three sec prayer for the country and then got back in line until we prayed for all the countries in the world, plus Puerto Rico!

-Brandon has joined our team once again in DC, we are so grateful for this amazing man of God and his radical child-like faith! Our team is now complete! 
ASL ministry men: (Dan, Gabriel, Brandon, and Jonathan)

-Our team got a camera for video updates and trailers for future events. 
Thank you for all to give support for us to buy the camera!  Dan is very excited about it! 
Check out the video and webpage, Dan made with our team's new camera,
about the Burning Embers Tour

Prayer Points for the March: 
-Smooth transition into the next season of trips for our team
-Sending out month: Just like Jesus sent out the 72 in Luke 10, he is sending us out on three trips during the month, at the end of the month just like Jesus we will come back together and debrief and testify what God did.  Please be praying for each trip!

Trip #1: Dan to Kyrgyzstan  
March 10th-March 26th
Prayer and fast for revival for countries in Central Asia

The team ready to go! (Jason, Dan, Abigail, and Bailey) and they left Sunday, March 10th, night.  
They arrived safety and are joining the crew already there praying! 

Prayer Requests
-Gods heart to be poured out on Dan and the team for the people in the countries in Central Asia
-Safety of airplane trips to and from Kyrgyzstan 
-Ability to learn all he can from pioneers in YWAM and bring back to our team 

Trip #2: Carole YWAM Base Directors Conference 
March 17th - 20th 
Gathering of YWAM base directors of the Northeast region 

Kimberlee and me!

Hershey kids: Anthem, Cadance, Blaze and Avella 

Prayer Requests
Safety for driving with Kimberlee and her kids to PA, then to NY and back to PA and then DC
Continuation of strong long-term relationships that Kimberlee (and Jason) have at the conference
Base directors being refreshed and encouraged through each other's flame of God
A time of blessing and fun with Kimberlee and I on the road

Trip #3: ASL team to Universities 
March 16th-23rd 
Investing and pouring out into Deaf students at East Coast Universities

A picture of our trip last Fall to RIT/NTID of
some of the amazing friends the team will see again at Hands of Fire 

Prayer Requests:
Wisdom and guidance from God for how to encourage people they see and meet 
Divine Appointments for sharing Jesus and the gospel 
Provision (housing, food, finances) for the trip 
Fun team bonding time