Freemont, CA
World Deaf Assemblies of God Conference
San Fransico, CA
A really cool testimony about the trip is that we were able to see each one of our staff's family along the way! Some we were able to stay with, others have dinner with and fellowship with! We were able to meet everyone's family, which was a huge blessing! Above is Jonathan's sister and brother in law and below is Gabriel's family!
Everett, WA
Spokane, WA
Three Forks, MT
Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park, WY

St. Paul, MN
Chicago, IL
Friends and Family! A one day stay in Chicago was quick but great!
Milton, IN-IN Deaf Camp
Noblesville, IN
Dayton, OH
Mercer, PA
World Deaf Assemblies of God Conference
Over 500 Deaf pastors and leaders coming together to worship Jesus! It was amazing. Our team served as volunteers for the week. Some worked with the children, and others with media (taking pictures and filming the workshops)!
San Fransico, CA
We were able to stay at the SF YWAM base and we went to dinner at Mozzeria, a deaf owned and all deaf workers restaurant with the base leaders and saw friends from WDAG conference!
Grant Pass, OR
Vancouver and Tacoma, WA
Everett, WA
We had such amazing fun and fellowship in Everett! Spend a day in Seattle and shared many meals together including celebrating the 4th of July and Kari's birthday!
An amazing pastor couple allowed us to stay in their home to break up a 14 hour drive! She blessed me with two "pregnancy" shirts as she learned I was pregnant for the first time.
One of the daughter's of our host wanted to join the rest of our road trip with us! She really connected with a few of our team members who just loved and played with her!
Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park, WY
Two days of just nature and team bonding! It was great to be outdoors and have some team time!

St. Paul, MN
MN annually picnic for the deaf churches to come together!
Amazing that we were in town the day they schedule it!
A great friend from Gallaudet years just wanted to walk at the park. She saw a bunch of deaf people and joined the picnic. And then realized that she knew me and Renca! I love how God invited her to the picnic on his own! It was great catching up with her!
We performed twice in MN, one at the picnic and one for a deaf-blind church!
Milwaukee, WI
We served for a morning helping with outside work and setting up a garage sale for the church! And then performed at another deaf church that evening! It was great to stay with the Suhr's, parents of our teams dear friend Heather!
First we took our team to Navy Pier to experience a little of Chicago! People saw old friends!
Friends and Family! A one day stay in Chicago was quick but great!
Dan leading an activity making homemade ice cream with the older group.
Our team served for a week at a Deaf camp working as counselors or helping with sport games or crafts. Dan helped with sports and I helped with crafts. This is a picture of the craft group!
Noblesville, IN
I helped with children ministry after we performed a few dramas!
Love this family and this couple below!
Pregnant Ladies! Kari came and served on our staff team for the first ASL DTS last year and helped with interpreting! Was amazing blessing to see her and her husband again!
Elle was a student with us in the bible school we did in Costa Rica! She has been a prayer partner for us and our ministry and it was amazing to stay with her and her husband in OH.
Last performance but we prayed beforehand that it would be as exciting and motivated as our FIRST!
It was amazing to perform for so many of our supporters who have been there since day one! And have a fellowship dinner with them before! We love you Mercer!
A few pictures of the BE performance at a variety of different places!
Going on a backpacking trip!
The Game show
The Mask
Full Surrender
Thank you again for all your prayers, love and support!