Thank you ASL Interpreters!

This thanksgiving week, I first want to thank God for sending his son, Jesus Christ to be a ransom for us and make a way back into relationship with the Father! We are so grateful for God and all that He has done and given up to be in relationship with us!

The ASL DTS also wants to send out a a huge "THANK YOU" to each of the ASL interpreters that volunteered their time and allowed God to use them for the advancement of his Kingdom on earth in the Deaf community!  Last week, was the last week of interpretation for classes and God mircalesly provided for our very need related to interpreting!  Thank you, Jesus! Seriously, we are so grateful for each of you.  You are part of our family here at YWAM DC and in the ASL community.  The DTS would not have been possible without you! 

1st time volunteers in the ASL DTS! So grateful for you! 

Rebecca Halls, from Washington DC. 

Abby Capo, from Austin, TX. 

Ashley Anderson, from Washington, DC.

Marleah Jacobson, from Gilbert, AZ.

Pali Dacanay from MD. 

Samantha Roe from Kansas City, MO. 

2nd year returners! 
This interpreters came back for the second year to serve in the ASL DTS! 

Alissa Matiya from St. Petersburg, FL. 

Elissa Macias, from Washington, DC. 

Michelle Chamberlain from Kansas City, MO. 

Cay Perque Waldron from Washington DC.

and . . . Dan McClelland from Mercer, PA! 
Yep, Dan stepped up and interpreted for class a few times as we did not have an interpreter! His sign language has sky rocketed over the last 2 years!  So grateful for him. 

Beautiful Things in Taiwan: Taipei and the Deaf community


As I shared in the last post, Jereme and Rebecca Doole, have a huge heart for relationship.  A heart for knowing God more on a personal level as well as a heart to build relationship with others and see relationship built between people and God.  It was amazing to be with them and just see how every interaction with a person was so intentional and relational. Below are a few pictures and testimonies of our time in Taipei and the Deaf community there. 

So Rebecca prayed that as we were out for the day in Taipei that we would see and meet many Deaf people.  And we did. :) We met up with two American Deaf sisters with a amazing hearts for Jesus and sharing Him in the Deaf community around the word. 

We were on the train to the Daan Park for the Jade Art Market, when we recognized Huang Hui Ying,  a Taiwanese Deaf woman who attended the conference sleeping on the train. 

We gently tapped her and she was soooo excited to see us!  We learned she was also going to the Art Market, where half of the market there are Deaf artist selling their artwork such as paintings and the other half where artist with disabilities, to visit friends so she led the way proudly! Below are some pictures of the people we met and their work. 

Chen Xiao Zhong in the middle with the stripped shirt 
was one of that artists we met and talked to while we were there.

We walked around and Jereme and Rebecca introduced us to many Deaf artists they have been building relationships with over time.  The artists faces lit up when they saw this couple and met people from the United States. 

We had lunch and then continued on our way to a lottery ticket kiosk, where Deaf individuals handmade purses and handbags and jewelry. On the way, Jereme and Rebecca shared with us about ancestral worship that happens regularly in Taiwan.  The picture above is a store burning paper called "hell money".  Rebecca shared "they burn this so that their ancestors can live happily in the after life. If they do not do this it is believed that their ancestors will get angry and haunt them." Below, the store has set up a table with a food offering to their ancestors. 

We arrived at the purse and handbag store and I got a fish coin purse for baby girl, well when baby girl grows to be a little older. :) The pictures above are pictures of the Deaf workers to help sell their friends handmade pieces.  They were so hospitable and bought us drinks as we were looking at the items for sale.  Huo Feng Huang, the woman in the black and white stripped shirt was one of the first deaf woman that Rebecca met when she started attended Deaf events in Taiwan.  It was fun to see them catch up after many years of not seeing each other. 

Street performers which are very common in Taipei

Unique Art in Asia using colored wire to make things 

Night market in Taipei

As I was looking for a purse for myself, we bumped into the Singapore group from the conference.  Rebecca's prayer was being answered over and over. 

Another day, they took me out to just walk around the area and give me a taste of the culture.  
We went to a Vietnam restaurant that I loved! 
I got lettuce wraps and big bowl of rice noodles and beef! It was delicious! 

They also took me to get bubble tea, which was originated in Taiwan thus very popular!

Motos. Motos. Motos. 

Another Deaf friend, named Simon, that sells lottery tickets on the street near the Dooles home. 

They also took me out for some FUN! A typical Taiwan dessert, shaved ice! It was so strange for me.  For dessert, we had choices of red beans and sweet potatoes.  And I shared that with Jereme and Rebecca.  The woman who worked at the store spoke English and had visited America shared that it is strange for Americans to come and experience red beans as a sweet in Taiwan but it is just as strange for her as a Taiwanese woman to have gone to American and experience red beans as a salty food.  We had a good laugh.  I love experiences other cultures.  

And a massage! All the workers were visually impaired. It was nice to get a massage after all the walking.  Because I was pregnant they could only massage my calves, but it still felt good. 

So this is probably one of my favorite stories!  Jereme, Rebecca and I took the bus and train everywhere and in Taiwan, they have priority seating, which includes woman who are pregnant.  The whole trip everyone said "Carole you can have a priority seat."  I felt strange taking a priority seat esp. because I was not obviously showing at the start of the trip and I wanted to give other people the opportunity to sit.  

Well, honestly baby girl popped out in Taiwan!  Toward the end of the trip, I was on a packed bus and a Taiwanese woman recognized my belly and made sure I had two hands holding on to the railing and my feet firmly planted.  She looked for a priority seat however they were all full.  But the moment a person got off the bus she pushed her way through waving me along and saved a seat for me.  I took the amazing gesture and sat in the seat.  When the bus got less crowded I asked to take a picture with her (below).  And before she left, she made sure we came by and say good-bye to me.  I though it was a perfect testimony of the amazing hospitality of the Dooles, the Taiwanese people, and the Asian Deaf people at the conference that I experienced during my time in Taiwan!  

Father went with me and our daughter, took very good care of us the whole time and showed so much hospitality through so many people! Thank you for your prayers, support and praising God with us with what He did in Taiwan! 

Beautiful Things in Taiwan: YWAM Taipei and Dooles


To know God and to make Him known.  

That is exactly what Jereme and Rebecca Doole are doing in the Deaf community in Taipei, Taiwan YWAM base.  This amazing couple from Canada has heard the call from God to serve Him in Taiwan long-term focusing on making God known in the Deaf community. The last four days in Taiwan I spent with this couple and learned more about their jounrey and call into missions, the YWAM base and what God is doing in the Deaf community in Taiwan.

  Rebecca developed a heart for Taiwan in High School as she did a student exchange program for a year in Taipei.  She did her DTS in Hong Kong in March of 2008 and then moved to the Taiwan base.  Jereme and Rebecca met in Canada when Rebecca was back home for the holidays.  They kept in touch and Jereme said when you come back I will drive 10 hours to see you.  Rebecca thought he was kidding but she let him know and he did the long drive to see her.  He soon decided to follow this beautiful girl with a heart for the Deaf in Taiwan.  So he moved to Taiwan and did his DTS at the Taipei base in Sept 2011 and has never looked back.  


YWAM Taiwan has a strong focus of training and sending out.  I met the YWAM Taiwan directors and saw the office headquarters for all of Taiwan.  One cultural ascent of Taiwan is that when you enter an office or a house you take off your outside shoes and put on inside sandals.  So every time we visited a new office or classroom, which were on different floors in one building,  I was taking off shoes and putting on new ones.  The up and down and on and off was getting to me as baby is growing so I just kept my shoes off while we were touring in the same building. :) 

 I also got to see the base in Taipei and attended base worship on Monday morning, which was amazing to worship in another language again just like in Costa Rica.  The most commonly used language of Taiwan, Mandarin, so most of the worship was in Mandarin and English.   As we worshiped, I could not help but allow my body to dance.  It was so easy to connect to Jesus as my heart was so grateful for what He has done and is doing in Taiwan and all the beautiful things and people I met over the last week there. 

I also got to see the classrooms for all of the schools.  There was a speaker who was teaching in the DTS on Forgiveness that week shared during base worship time.  As I listened to him share, I knew one of his topics he spoke on was the Father Heart of God, I just knew it!  Afterwards, I had to ask.  And guess what?  Yep, you guessed it he teaches a variety of topics in DTSs and one of them is Father Heart of God. I could not help be reminded of how Father was with me the whole trip.  
They run DTSs and School of Biblical Studies (SBS), which is basically is the intense bible school that Dan and I did in Costa Rica but is is 9 months and they go through every book of the Bible, as the first step in training youth to be sent out into the nations. Jereme and Rebecca have done this school, and Jereme did it engaged and planning a wedding in Canada. 

YWAM Taiwan has a coffee shop called the ROCK, where people from Taiwan can come in and get a free drink while they practice learning English with YWAMers.  The heart of the Rock is to create a place for people to interact with locals sharing Jesus with them as they develop conversional skills. 

The base has a 2 year language program called Chinese Language Learning Team (CLLT)This program is for YWAMers who are long-term in Taiwan to learn the language.  Rebecca completed this 2 year program and serving as the scheduler for all the language classes.  They get local people to teach class who do not know Jesus.  The prayer is that the international YWAMers will learn the language and the local teachers will learn about Jesus.  Great idea! Jereme is currently finishing up his 2 years in April of 2015.  The people on this language team serve at the Rock 2X a week. 


 On the taxi to the airport to drop me off, Jereme sat in front and practiced his Mandarin with Henry the taxi driver we met the night before.  Henry was just talking talking talking about his family and life!  Many of his sisters are believers and was very open to Jesus.  He shared that he was taking a community college class in English so every once in a while I was hear an English word, like brother. 

Jereme took the opportunity and shared about the Rock as a place to hang out and practice his English.  The week, he did go to the Rock and hung out with Jereme and Rebecca.  They are praying for him to continue to develop a relationship with them and to know Jesus! 
I loved how relational and intentional this couple is with the people they met everyday.  

Finally, the base runs a School of Frontier Missions (SOFM), which is a 3 month school focused on starting church building movements in unreached people groups around the world.  Rebecca completed this school and the Dooles are now starting a 2 year internship which will transition them to the Frontier Missions Dept. in March after finishing language school, focusing on the need to develop a church building movement in Deaf community in Taiwan. 

I had the opportunity to meet with Tammy (above), Rebecca and Jereme's coach throughout their time of taking the schools in Frontier Missions and developing a prospal for launching their ministry in Taiwan to the Deaf Community.  As well as have dinner with Wanger and his wife, (below) from Brazil who are the Frontier Missions National Directors.  Our time was filled with sharing what God has already done in our lives, what He is doing in America and DC and Taiwan, dreaming, vision casting and praying for what God wants to continue to do in the Deaf community worldwide. 

So I realized that I have only shared on 2 days of the 4 that I stayed with Jereme and Rebecca and only shared the background of YWAMers serving in another country and of how they arrived to where they are now!  I have not even shared about all the Deaf people that we met in Taipei and their heart for the next two years!  As well as some funny stories that happened and cool places they showed me in Taipei.  

(The street walking to the YWAM base and offices). 

So I am going to end this blog here but want you to know that the next one is really really FUN! It was Rebecca's prayer that we would meet a lot of Deaf people during the couple days that I was there and wow did God answer that prayer!  Keep your eyes out for the next blog!