Happy 5th Birthday, Olive Brave!
Birthday Morning: It was so nice to have presents from family back home!
Birthday Wishes at School: Dan made gluten free, dairy free cookies for the whole school. We asked Olive if we should make cookies for the whole school or just her class and she responded "The whole school, mom! I have friends in each class and visit them everyday!"
Ear Piercing: She has always wanted her ears pierced, and we shared with her that on her 5th birthday she could choose to get them pierced. And she did! When choosing her first pair of earrings, she got the last pair of pink earrings in the store (she was soooo excited!). It hurt; she cried; but we made it through and she really likes her pierced ears.
Fun at home: Dan also made gluten free, dairy free cupcakes for us at home and friends at the YWAM base. She loves chewing gum, strawberry flavored and getting birthday wishes from "Aunties" and friends at the base.
Presents from Grandpa and Grandma in Chicago: Olive got a whole other day to celebrate her birthday from her grandparents in Chicago! They sent a fun, filled care package with many fun gifts and activities to do like a gingerbread house and bubbles and more! One of Olive's favorite things that they always send is money for an ice-cream outing!!!
An Experience from Grandma and Grandpa in PA: And one more day of celebrating fun from her other set of grandparents in PA. They gave some money to do a fun birthday experience and we decided to go on a Christian ship that sells books called the Logos Hope. The Logo team spent 3 weeks at the base training new staff so Olive made friends and they invited us on the ship! We were hosted so amazingly well by the Logo Ship and by the McIntyre Family, Roopa and Phil and their daughter, Eva. Olive had a great time, seeing her friend's home, getting her nails painted, getting a tour of the ship, getting to pick out some books and seeing friend from her school! We even had some friends from YWAM and our new friend Clifton, who is Deaf, join us!
What a great 5th birthday for Olive Brave!