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Dan and Carole McClelland
Due to increased traveling measures with COVID-15, our family was not able to fly back to Jamaica Aug 18th as originally planned. We were waiting on the approval from the Jamaican Dept of Health, and it did not come through in time.The night before our original flight, Dan and I prayed and felt we were supposed to show up in faith, believing God for a miracle to be able to fly!
As a family, especially with Olive, Dan and I talked about miracles and that even though we did not have the approval, we felt we were supposed to show up at the airport and see what God would do! Therefore, in faith, we went to the airport the morning of August 18th with two kids and all of our luggage; praying to get the approval in time for our flight. To our disappointment, we did not get the approval. Southwest allowed us to change our ticket at no additional cost which was a huge blessing, but the miracle of finalized paperwork did not come.
As Dan and I talked about it afterwards with Olive, my attitude was a little sad as I was full of faith that we would fly to Jamaica through God's miracle. I shared that sometimes the miracle for which we prayed does not happen, but even though we may not know God's reasons for a "no", we still believe that God does miracles. I also was really hoping for Olive to experience God in a real, deep way, when He got our paperwork through in time. I admit, I was a little confused. However, I could have never been prepared for Olive's response when the flight left without us.
Olive had a BIG smile on her face and said, "
But God answered my prayer for a miracle. Now, we can go to see my friends in DC. He answered my prayer!" Olive got her miracle and experienced God in a way she will always remember! All along Olive was praying for another week in the states so she could see her friends at the YWAM base in DC. We originally had planned to spend a week in DC, but these plans had to be cancelled when I, Carole, got sick in PA.

I love children, and I love that God listens and answers their prayers too! Afterwards, Dan and I prayed about what to do with the extra week we had. (The delay meant we had to follow a new mandate from Jamaica for COVID testing, and we were still waiting for the cleared paperwork from the Jamaican Dept of Health). Through prayer, Dan and I believed we were supposed to really give Olive and Valor some quality time with some of their friends at YWAM DC. After we rented a place to stay near the YWAM base, we spent the week with our YWAM family, which was so refreshing for us all. It was so wonderful to see Olive so excited to see her friends. All week she testified boldly about how "
God does miracles, and how He did not answer Mommy and Daddy's prayers, but He answered MINE!!!"