Church Internship 2020


 Enjoy a photo blog of the church internship here in Jamaica! 


Kevlasha and Anna, our two staff, with 3 year visas! 

Two American Deaf girls: Hadassah and Esther 

Two Jamican men, Letshan and Clifton

Meals during 2 week quarantine 

Montego Bay Deaf Church 

Visiting another Deaf church in Jamaica: Deaf Bible Church in St. Elizabeth's Parish

Awake 2020: Prayer and Fasting 

Outreach opportunities

Sharing online for a Frontier Missions meeting about the unreached Deaf people group 

Sharing Devotions at CCCD Montego Bay 

Weekend trip to Jamaican Deaf Village

Two day trip to CCCD Kingston 

Leading games at CCCD Montego Bay Graduation Celebration 

General Internship pictures

Grandpa and Grandma visit

Two Pictures with Grandma's camera 

Valor got a haircut