Dan LOVES challenging our DTS students to function as the body of Christ and learn to become one as in 1 Corinthans 12. Working together as one body, but having many parts, is not easy! There are many members of the body, all with different purposes and giftings, just like our bodies have feet, hands, hearts eyes, ears etc. No part is greater or lesser than the others, but all are important. Also when one part is hurting, it affects the whole body. That is the same for teams! Learning to function as one team with different people from different countries, with different personalities, with a variety of giftings, is always one of our favorite challenges of leading DTSs. One way we prepare our team for working as one on outreach is by doing a day of team-building activities with the point of UNITY! This year Dan led 4 activities on our team-building day. These activites were specifically chosen to work on communication skills, team work, problem-solving and plan development including execution of that plan. These are important skills for a team going on outreach together.
COMMUNICATION: drawing a picture
During the first activity, Dan asked each person to draw a detailed picture and then gave them time to draw. After about 10 mins, he divided them into partners and told them they had to flip the picture over so the other person could not see it. Next one person needed to communicate, only using sign, to their partner what their picture was like and the partner needed to draw it. Then they switched roles and did the same thing.Throughout this activity, our team realized how much detail they needed to communicate to their partners for that person to really understand how to draw their picture. This exemplified how often they think they are communicating everything they see but, by missing little details, their partners were not able to duplicate the picture. This skill was going to be helpful in the next three activities!
WORKING TOGETHER: Catching a tennis ball with duct tape and straws
ENDURANCE: solve the bucket challenge
MAKE A PLAN: Make a square with string while blindfolded

The team had a debriefing time afterwards; processing how they could grow individually and grow as a team, to prepare them for outreach. I was not there during the activities or debrief, but I was able to ask each student what they learned at lunch. Their comments, processing, and reflections were so goood!
" I am a forward person, but learning to do it with love, gentleness and kindness is a challenge for me. I am learning how to communicate with the fruit of the Spirit."
"When another team member did something we did not agree upon as a team, I got frustrated, and I did not know what to do or how to communicate. I want to grow in calling us back to what we agreed on in a loving way. "
"I realized that communication is about making sure the other person understands rather than just saying words."
"I am a leader and can lead, but I am afraid to step into leading. Today, I did not step up in that area and instead let others lead, but I can and should lead too."