10 Year Celebration Picture Blog


 10 Year Celebration of YWAM Deaf World: 2013-2023
10 schools, 10 years, 1 FAMILY 

Group Pictures together!  These pictures were taken by Tyler Olson, one of our staff. We are so thankful. 

Welcome Night

We started with a celebration of 17 Nations Impacted in 10 years.  Each student and staff got to represent either a country that a student was born in or an outreach location!   Each of the flags were really celebrated.  These pictures give you a taste of the spirit!








Then we celebrated Jamaica, the host nation, with Jamaican songs by Marion Jacobs, a spiritual mentor/mother for us in Jamaica.  As well as Jamaican dance from Peta-gay and Clifton, two our our Deaf staff!  It was a great time experiencing the culture of Jamaica and a call to GO to the nations at the end!

Throughout the weekend, Dan and I shared lessons we have learned about God and testimonies from our time serving in other countries with the DTSs.  We also had the honor of 3 of our Spiritual Mentors (2 Fathers and 1 Mother) share one word that summarizes what they have seen in YWAM Deaf World.  Jack Kody went first and gave the word of CALLING, Jason Hershey went second and signed AMEN, and Marion Jacobs finished strong with INTENTIONAL.  So putting them together, God spoke, we each and as a group have a STRONG CALLING to missions and our responses have been YES and AMEN, and we have been INTENTIONAL to pursue God and grow ourselves and disciple others into relationship with God and sharing Him with others! 

Jack and Jason flew to Jamaica for the first time for both of them.  It was such an honor and we are so thankful them for pouring into us!

Every session, we had small groups to discuss what our Spiritual Mentors/Fathers were sharing.  This was also a time of fellowship among the larger group of students from a variety of DTSs throughout the years.

We also have times of Deaf worship throughout the celebration led by Anna Olson and our current Deaf staff!  Where we turned our eyes to Jesus and praised Him with worship songs that our DTSs created! It was really fun to gather together to worship God!

Enjoy some pictures of the faces!

Dan also created a shirt with 90 different sign languages from around the world placed in the YWAM logo!  We plan to order more in the future to sell and fund raise for Deaf World! 

Enjoy a few of the faces that were here from my, Carole's camera!