Local Outreach and More!

Last weekend, our team had the opportunity to led a youth group in a service about missions. Our team, led worship, shared three testimonies about missions, did a drama, and had an icebreaker learning greetings from around the world. It was the first time our team had the opportunity to work as a team and share what God has done in our lives the last 5 weeks since being in school. The night was completely controlled by God through his Holy Spirit. Dan served by playing on the worship team and I shared my testimony about God's love. Copy and paste this into address bar for pictures: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=251254&id=502334775&l=1fbe300faf Afterwards, it was a great time of fellowship with other christians through prayer and talking. Our team got a small glimpse of what God wants to do in Europe through us on our outreach. The outreach brought unity and a closer bond to each other as well as with Jesus.
Dan also got the opportunity to go zip-lineing through the jungle, there are pictures at the above link. Unfortunately he also managed to chip the bone on his right hand knuckle which led to an emergency room visit. He has to keep it braced for 20 days but he will be fine.


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