Dan and I and our group of 19 students just finished a week of bible distribution in the northwest part of Costa Rica. Our group was able to go to 648 homes this and gave a free bible and prayed/talked to the members of the homes with a local church joining each group.
The highlighted green streets on the map are all the homes we finished in a week! It is cool to see it as a visual!
Elena and Jenny got a watermelon for a thank you for giving a bible to one home! There was so many stories of Gods goodness and Him touching people's hearts through us!
We partnered with a local church, so as we went home to home passing out bibles we had a member of the church with us! It was such a blessing!
One home, a local 20 year old member Antonio (in the picture above) came with Dan. As we shared about the project the older women said no thank you. Antonio started talking and walked right in and had an amazing conversation and she received prayer and the bible! They were a huge blessing to work with!
Here is a picture after a long day of passing out bibles of us!
Tonight the group is celebrating Christmas in the hometown of Rossela, the leader of the DTS, in Liberia, where Dan and I spend Christmas last year. We are having a family style Christmas dinner and a secret Santa among the group after attending church here where we are staying. This morning we spent time singing Christmas songs and reflecting as a group on Emmanuel, God with us, and what that means today! We are staying here and having our first free day tmr and plans to go to the beach!
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