Description of Jesus from Revelation
He is the faithful witness, the
firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. He is
coming with the clouds. He is like a son of man, clothed in a long
robe and golden sash. His head and hair are white like wool and snow
and his eyes are flames of fire. His feet are shinning bronze, and
his voice is like the sound of many waters. In his right hand he
holds 7 stars and out of his mouth comes a sharp double edged sword.
His face is shining like the sun. He walks among the 7 lampstands. He
has the keys to death and hades. He is the first and last, who was
dead and has come to life. He is the Son of God. He has the 7 spirits
of God. He is Holy, true and has the key of David. He is the Amen,
the faithful and true witness and the beginning of creation. He is
the lion from the tribe of Judah, the root of David, and he has
overcome. He is the standing, yet slain Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes.
Only he is worthy to break the seals. He is the wrathful Lamb clothed
in white robes. He is the shepherd and gives guidance to the spring
of the water of life. He will wipe away every tear. He stands on
Mount Zion. His voice is like the sound of loud thunder and the sound
of the harp at the same time. He has a golden crown on his head and a
sharp sickle in his hand. He reaps the harvest of the earth. He comes
riding a white horse. He is faithful and true and in his
righteousness judges and wages war. On his head are many diadems and
has His unknown name written on himself. His robe is dipped in blood
and he is called the Word of God. He leads the armies of heaven. From
his mouth sharp sword strikes down the nations and he rules them with
a rod of iron. He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God
Almighty. On his robe and thigh his name is written, King of kings
and Lord of lords. He is the alpha and omega, the first the last, the
beginning and the end. He is the bright morning star. He is coming
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