HEALING is different than what you think.
I have a notebook next to my bed just in case I have a dream or God speaks to me at night so I wrote down the phrase and pondered on it for a second and then went back to sleep. The next day, I asked God about the phrase seeking more understanding.
As I did, I was reminded of a teaching on fasting that I had heard since being here in DC. Here in DC, we serve in a fasting community with people who often do personal fasts and we often do corporate fasts thus fasting is a topic that is taught and discussed about often. I have always considered fasting an act from something. When you fast, you give up something or decide to stop eating meat or stop watching TV etc. However, the last couple months I am realizing how wrong that concept is. Fasting is an act TO something. It is an act TO know God more, or an act TO be more controlled by the spirit. The focus is not on the things you are giving up or fasting "from" but what you are gaining through the fasting, what you are fasting TO.
This same concept applied to my personal healing. Up until this point in the battle, my concept of healing was going back to Egypt, or back to my old way of eating. I was looking forward to the time when I would be able to eat Taco Bell again and drink something other than water and have brownies and ice cream! When I thought of healing my mind thought SUGAR! God was revealing to me that His meaning for healing was completely different than mine and I needed to align mine with His in order to receive it.
Healing is different that what you think. Ok God what is healing? How do you define it for me?
Healing is a complete restoration of your body through a new life of eating healthy.
I wrote in my journal afterwards "God I want your healing, I want your future and to eat according to your will. But honestly I have no idea what that looks like. But I know you will guide me day by day into it. I trust you with it. Show me."
As I am writing this blog, I am at a completely different place than when I received this Word from God. Throughout the last two months I have clung to this phrase not knowing the exact meaning but seeking to know. I smile to myself because God has guided me into what it means for me and still showing me the how to live this new way of life of healthy eating and walking in restoration of my body.
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