ASL DTS Group Picture
Back Row: Kari, Brandon, Dan, Josiah, Shelby
Sides: Renca and Liza
Front Row: Rachel, Carole, Kayla, Tabitha
God has hand picked this amazing group of people! So excited for the journey ahead with them! Below are the words that God gave us to pray out for this chosen group!
world changers, radically living for Jesus, leaders who love to be challenged and want to grow, intimate lovers of God, marked by the love of God, citizens of heaven, strangers on earth, minds set on heavenly things, people who do not conform to the patterns of this world but are transformed by the renewing of your minds, salt and light of the earth and are chosen, sons and daughters, princes and princess of the King, willingly to give your rights up to become a slave to Christ, speakers of truth and have your foundation built on the Rock, Jesus Christ, grateful and thankful, who always have praise on your lips. People of radical faith, live holy lives, have a heart for the lost and are humble, eager to learn with a teachable spirit and heart, courageous, forgivers, and radical disciples of Jesus!
This weekend was a whirlwind of picking up students, moving in, worship and prayer, amazing teaching, good fellowship, being open and honest, sacrificing things to make move for God in our lives, supporting each others, getting to know each other and time with Jesus! Enjoy some pictures from this weekend!
Kari arriving at the Dulles airport at 5:00 am!
Shelby in the dorm reading through the student manual after setting up her area.
Brandon and Liza all packed up in our van ready for the DTS to start!
Dan sharing OUR STORY: History of ASL DTS. He has been signing non-stop for the last 4 days!
Sharla, Washington House of Prayer (WHOP) staff communicating with writing on a napkin with Josiah at lunch time.
Nate, WHOP staff hanging out and playing chess with Kari!
Loriel, a friend in DC, came and lead us in a discussion on how we can value each other's unique personalities by taking personality tests and discussing each others strengths for living together for the next 6 months! It was a fun time of getting to know each other and how God created us!
We took turns reading through, acting out and teaching all 18 YWAM values to each other! Check out all of them at
Liza teaching us about YWAM value #10 : Function in teams!
Renca teaching us about YWAM value #4: Practice Worship and Intercessory Prayer.
Tabitha teaching the group about YWAM value #18: Communicating with Integrity.
First day of class! Jason Hershey, YWAM DC base leader teaching on the nature and character of God! He is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovekindness and truth, who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished Exodus 34: 6-7. It was an amazing first day for TRUTH being poured out! Looking forward to the next 6 months together of knowing God and making Him known!
Wonderful news! Thanks for sharing.
It was great to see the pictures. Thanks for taking the time to post. We are upholding you in our prayers.
Woohooooooo, so exciting!!!
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