Happy Valentine's Day!
This morning, the men had a rose for each girl and a bag filled with goodies for Valentine's Day. They brought Men of Steel (Superman) Valentine cards like you do when you are in 5th grade and wrote encouraging notes to all of the ladies! And there were some candies and temporary tattoos of animals in our bags as well! We all had a lot of fun putting on the tattoos. Kari made an arm band of them! It was a lovely surprise from the men in our team! As a woman, I was completely blessed by the words of encouragement and thoughtfulness! I love the men of our team! Dan, Gabriel and Jonathan you are amazing! Thank you for loving us so well!
Last night, I secretly took a picture of the boys diligently writing Valentine's cards in our apt!
After the meeting, Dan took me out alone for a Valentine date! We talked and found a field that no one had played in yet and had a snowball fight (Dan won, he got one right in my jacket-bullseye!), made snow angels (our jeans got really wet!) and made a mini-snowman! Then he we walked to a new restaurant called Surfside in Glover Park! His final plan was to go smoothie shop hunting and buy a small smoothie and share it at a bunch of different places to compare and try different kinds. But I was so full from the rice bowl and veggies that we only made it to one smoothie place. It was a good one though, Banana Chocolate, yum!
I am so blessed to be married to you, Dan McClelland.
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