Our amazing students!
Hard to believe that another 4 weeks have gone by!
Here are some stories from the last month in DC at the ASL DTS!
JoAnn Smith
We had the honor of having Dr. JoAnn Smith from Valley Forge Christian College, in PA come up for a week to teach about Holy Spirit. Above is a picture of her and the president of the college and and a few graduates of the Deaf Ministries Program in PA. She taught in ASL which gave me the opportunity to go to Taiwan and have a week of teaching in our students and staff native language! I heard our students and staff asked so many questions about Holy Spirit but also every other topic you can imagine! The staff decided late one night this week to do a Wacky Wednesday just for fun!
Weekly our students participate in David's Tent, the 40 day and night worship song, that YWAM DC hosts in the Fall every year on the White House Ellipse. On Wednesday nights, our team goes out and joins the love song, interceding for America. In the picture above, it was a night of dancing!
Our students also had the honor of leading a 2 hour set at David's Tent! It was a great stretch for our students to lead for a deaf and hearing crowd but they did an amazing job and had a huge breakthrough with worship! As our students would worship in ASL, Renca would type out the words on the screen for the hearing audience to understand as well as Gabriel would sing some choruses that were repetitive! It was an amazing 2 hours!
Caleb leading from his heart!
Claudine pouring out her alabaster jar on her lover, Jesus.
Danni and Taylor, teaming up to give glory to Jesus in ASL!
Destiny rapped her own rap on stage and everyone there got involved!
Week 6- Bible Overview
Ed Graham
Ed Graham, who is a pastor in Texas came and taught us the Bible Overview in a week! He has been teaching the bible and training hearing and Deaf leaders for over 40 years! It was an honor to have him with us. He has such a passion for the Word of God. As he shared stories from the bible, with us it ignited a passion for us to dig deeper into God's story and read the Bible more!
He also attended other activities throughout the week such as worship time (picture above) where we took turns playing a beat on the drums, coming up with a song in ASL and dancing to the beat. Ed did all three with us! He also joined us for our bi-weekly event, called "The Collection". Jason Hershey, our base director came up with this event as he noticed our genernation are comsuming movies, books, videos however realized that we were created in God's image and made to CREATE with God. So "The Collection" is a time where we create our own songs, poems, dramas, stories and share them with each other!
During this week's Collection. I shared "A Taste of Taiwan" with the students and staff. Set out a table of postcards, pictures, dessert from Taiwan, pictures of the conference, and a few things I got there for them to see and taste.
Week 7-How to Study the Bible
Douglas Johnson
We had the honor of having Douglas Johnson, who is originally from the states but have been serving in Costa Rica for over 8 years with his family here for a week on how to study the bible! It was an amazing week of digging deep with observation, interpretation, application and proclamation!
Douglas Johnson
We studied Psm, Isaiah, Gen, the whole book of Philemon and more! We looked at the imagery of Hebrew poetry, culture of the day of Paul's letters, and so much more! Douglas was amazing with learning ASL and just hanging out with staff and students.
Samantha Roe, from Kansas City, MO was here for the week. We met her on the road trip this summer, not once, not twice, not even three time but FOUR times on our trip across America! She has become a great friend of our community! Thank you Samantha for coming out! She was so excited to see the Panda at the National Zoo on her free time!
David's Tent completed 50 days of worship on November 5th! And our community celebrated what God had done during the 50 days with a Love Feast! Everyone got dressed up and volunteers shared testimonies of the worship tent and Jason shared vision for next year! Our group loves to celebrate!
Week 8- Evangelism
David Gava
David Gava, born and raised in Zimbabwe but now lives in Sweden with his wife and 2 children was able to come and teach us about Evangelism. However, he challenged our group with so much more than than sharing our faith but he went to the core by asking questions like "Who are you?" "What is your calling?" He shared that when you know who God is and you know who you are, evangelism is easy! It is just an overflow from your intimate relationship with God. Our group is still being challenging by the teachings of this week!
Our outreach co-leaders, Renca Dunn and Jonathan Owens and our students! They had the opportunity to share at Deaf Connect Church in Fredrick, MD! They each shared about something that God did in their lives during the last 7 week of the DTS. Afterwards, Chris Hughes and others from the church took them out to lunch!
HUGE PRAISE REPORT: Our outreach team need 8,600 dollars to buy the plane tickets to the Philippines and we needed it in by two weeks ago. Well, we got a few larger donations and came to a total of 8, 870 dollars! And two days before Thanksgiving of last week, we were able to buy our plane tickets just a little over our planned budget! They are going to the Philippines!
We are thanking God for providing and praising him in advance for how He will provide the rest for each one of our staff and students to go to share Jesus in the Philippines!
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