Baby, Baby, Baby!
My due date is less than 3 weeks away, Feb 6th, although our daughter can come anytime between now and the second week of Feb! This post is dedicated to her and her arrival!
I am so grateful for the generous blessings, prayers and gifts for our daughter. I am blessed and overwhelmed with the generosity with so many amazing friends and family who poured out gifts, love and prayers. I was blessed with two baby showers. One in DC and one in PA! Both were amazing and I wanted to thank each one of you!
A few friends hosted an amazing shower in DC! Unfortunately, we lost the pictures from the shower but I got two from a phone of a friend to show! The DC shower was filled with fellowship, prayers and gift opening! There was such a great diverse group of my friends there. I was so excited to have my friends met my other friends! I had hearing and Deaf friends from both YWAM and my church, NCC as well as others I have met. Everyone was fellowshipping it was hard to get the group together to open presents. But we did and then we had an amazing time for prayer for our baby!
Dan's mom hosted the other shower at the Farm in Mercer, PA. This also was a great time of family and friends, laughter, stories, food, worship and prayer! Mom had carefully planned the shower which not only included all things that I love such as games, fellowship and prayer but reflected who I am in every way! She divided up everyone into three groups: Last months of pregnancy group, labor and birth and the first weeks at home. I rotated in each group and they prayed for that stage of pregnancy for me. When I was with other groups, the other groups played a baby scattergories and told funny birthing stories. Below are some pictures from the day. It was an amazing day.
Liz leading worship
Group 1: Last months of Pregnancy
Group 2: Labor and Birth
Group 3: First months at home
Dan got to hang out with his cousin and best friend from childhood, Luke for the day.
Liz and Amanda
Emily and Angela
Sue telling a funny birthing story. I think she won. :)
Family: Jamie, Me, Cathy and Aunt Cinda from Dan's mom's side
Laura and the blanket that she made
Being silly with Luke and Lindsay
Within the last 2 months, Dan and I have been getting ready!
Enjoy some random pictures!
In early Jan, we also took a birthing class, called "Birthing Basics", which was amazing and really prepared us for labor and birth and caring for a newborn afterwards. There was only one other couple in the class so we basically got a person session and I got all my questions answers! Kelby and Rachel, Dan's brother and sister-in-law, came up this weekend as Rachel is a Bradley instructor (a birthing class method) and gave us a few hours of lessons and Kelby got some maternity photos and then we just got to hang out with the kids and play games it was really fun!

Winter cover for the car seat for our baby to be warm coming home!
We have been setting up our room making room for our daughter, washing all the new baby clothes, learning how to swaddle and putting together pack n plays! It has been really fun.
Since it has gotten cold outside, I have been walking less and less which I have noticed a difference in how I am feeling. I still swim 3 to 4 times a week but usually walk on the other days. Just this week, I had a thought, I live in a big church with a lot of stairs! I can walk laps around the church and still get my walking in. There was only one problem: I do not have "summer" workout clothes that fit me right now. It was solved by going into Dan's closet. :)
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