Olive Brave McClelland
It was so fun asking God to reveal the
identity of his daughter. He was the one that formed her and
knit her together in her mothers womb (Psm 139). He knows who she is
and her every move. We believe in a God that desires relationship
with us and who speaks to us, so we just had to ask
him who this daughter of HIS was. That is how we picked her name,
based on the identity pieces that God revealed to us.
Psm 128: 1-4
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who
walk in obedience to Him.
You will eat the fruit of your labor;
blessing and prosperity will be yours.
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine
within your house,
your children will be like OLIVE shoots
around your table.
Yes, this will be the blessing for the
man who fears the Lord.
I learned that OLIVE trees are trees
that can thrive in great heat and minimal water, they are virtually
indestructible, and will live and produce fruit no matter what the
conditions. OLIVE trees are a tree that can not be destroyed . . . if
the tree is cut or burned down, new shoots will emerge from its
As I praised God for OLIVE trees, the
name OLIVE rested in my spirit as a identity piece of who this
daughter of God is. As many of you know and walked through with me, I struggled with Candida about 3 years ago. During that time, my
reproductive system, as well as many other systems in my body, were
basically dead. I lost my period for over 9 months. And here 2
years later, OLIVE, comes from that virtually dead reproductive
system. She is one that brought life in a place that was dead.
Gen. 8:11
“When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak
was a freshly plucked OLIVE leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had
receded from the earth.”
Again, the world was dead and seemed like
there was no hope, but an OLIVE tree emerged and the dove returned to
Noah with an OLIVE branch, symbolizing hope of a new world and that
the earth would be full of life again!
OLIVE is a bringer of hope, is full of life, brings life to dead places
and will thrive in all circumstances!
As the pregnancy
progressed, I recognized that I was overcoming many fears that have
held me for years and I was becoming more BOLD and FEARLESS. I
believe it was because of the life in my womb that I was stepping out
in this way. As we were looking at names that mean courage or
fearless or bold, nothing really stood out. Until a synonym popped
up; BRAVE. Again, we held it for a while. Throughout the labor and
birth, she was BRAVE and made mommy BRAVE too!
She is one that is BRAVE and will bring BRAVERY to
others around her.
Spirit of Joy, Faith, Blessing, Promised One, Radiant, Know God
(hearing his voice at a young age), Daughter of Nations (one that brings
people together from different nations), Bringer of Peace, Bold and
Fearless, Worshiper and Full of Life

Leaving the hospital and driving home! It was snowing!
Leaving the hospital and driving home! It was snowing!
She is so alert and attentive, making eye contact directly already! She is ready for ASL! Do you see the T and the I in the picture above? It was just how she was moving her hands but we know she will pick up sign in our community and Mommy and Daddy have been having signing time with her!
Olive loves posing when she is sleeping! Mommy decided to join in the pose this time! And mommy sleeps when Olive sleeps! When I breastfeed, Olive always crosses her legs! It is the cutest thing!
Olive loves Daddy! His presence calms her!
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