DTS Arrival Testimonies, Orientation and Welcome Dinner

DTS Students Arrival

Ruth-Ann, our one Jamaican student, is the girl pictured above. God started working 2 weeks earlier than the DTS arrival time for Ruth-Ann. Originally, she was not able to do the DTS as she needed to finish her work experience before completing her vocational training program and was waiting on a hotel in MB to accept her. However, God worked out a better plan for Ruth-Ann! She was able to complete her mandatory 2 weeks of work experience in our YWAM industrial kitchen right before the DTS started. This allowed her to graduate from her vocational training program AND join this DTS! She is one that LOVES the Lord and is so excited to see and be part of the Kingdom of God growing in Jamaica.

It was actually a fun couple of weeks as we had 2 interns in the kitchen. (Unfortunately, the other Jamaican was not able to come to DTS due to family commitments during the same time). That same week we had 4 Deaf men from the Deaf school serve as volunteers doing outside work around the base for their program requirement while our staff training was happening also. It was a busy, but fun, week. 

Below is Andrea Pitt is pictured with two Deaf interns.  Andrea is a hearing YWAM JA staff who prayed a bold prayer for a Jamaican student to be in this DTS after our hope was gone.  And I love how God worked it out through her as she was the kitchen supervisor for the 2 weeks of internship!  We are so excited for all that God will do in Ruth-Ann's life and that she is representing Jamaica in this DTS.

Misael from Belize and his pastor, Nathanael, were the first to arrive at the base. Misael has been waiting to come to Jamaica for a long time; I think over a year -and- a- half!  He had applied and was accepted in the last DTS, but due to a few situations, he had to postpone attending until this one.  After just a few days, we knew it was God's timing that he is here for this one, and he is a perfect fit! It was Misael's first flight out of his country (and the first time experiencing an elevator, escalator etc.) When they arrived, they were immediately family.  Both Misael and his pastor were able to spend 4 days exploring Jamaica before Nathanael flew back.  We are so blessed to have Misael here with us and so thankful for the people in Belize who have poured into him and discipled him his whole life. He is an amazing man of God and God has so many plans for him this season. 

Emily (with glasses) and Ray were the next to arrive and settle into the base. Emily has many testimonies of God providing financially for her to be here in Jamaica, as well as finding her receipt for her Entry Visa payment at home just in time to send to the Consulate and then receiving the visa approval before the Consulate sent her passport back to her to make her flight. So excited for the many miracles God wants to do in Emily's life and her faith for them! Meanwhile, Ray was in NJ, closest to NY Consulate, and was willing to go in person, if we needed her to, to represent any of the students in order to get their passports back for their flights.  God worked out everyone getting their passports returned without Ray going in, but we LOVE her willingness to be a servant to others. We are all so glad they are both here with us! 


Levi (born in Ethiopia) and JP (born in Liberia), both adopted by Americans, met each other during their layover and flew to Jamaica together. God already had adventures in store for these men, as heavy rains in Montego Bay the day of their arrival caused the plane to divert to Kingston for landing and refueling. Finally, 4 hours later, after the rains stopped, their plane was able to land in MB. Levi's passport was also the one that "could not be found" at the Consulate for a few days, but after much prayer and an amazing new worker who diligently searched, it was found again!  Levi is one that is willing to do whatever is needed and serve.  JP is very outgoing, friendly and is already drawing this group together by stirring up God and Bible conversations all the time.

Ellie, who has spend time on the island serving before, arrived early to spend time with friends. When we dropped off Nathanael, we were able to pick up Ellie from the bus stop at the same time.  She was the first student to be interested, apply, get her Entry Visa and arrive on the island.  She is a pioneer and willing to go where others have not gone and to follow God, no matter who else is with her! So blessed to have Ellie, who loves Jesus and LOVES Jamaica with us this season. 

This man is a man of faith.  This is Tycen, Veledise's husband! He had so many obstacles to overcome, but God provided a way through every one of them; even when there seemed to be no way. All praise goes to Jesus! The hurdles involved needing approval for 6 months of his daily medicine for the DTS, waiting for his passport to arrive (after losing his tracking number) and having his car breaking down on the way to the airport which caused a delay of his arrival. However, through all the storms that were thrown his way, Tycen kept his faith and stood on the Rock of Jesus! We are so excited for this man of God to be able to experience God for the next 5 months with us, and for both Veledise and Tycen to learn how to follow Jesus together as a newly married couple.

DTS Orientation
The most important things we shared were the two goals for this DTS: 
1. To Fall Madly in Love with Jesus 
2. To become one (Team unity) 

Everything we do as a team will be pointing to this two goals.  The season is already off to an amazing start, and the team is developing a great unity in Christ. 

Welcome Dinner: Host Country Jamaica

We had a great Welcome Dinner night!  The students were welcomed so well with amazing natural decorations and a delicious Jamaican meal of Jerk Chicken, rice and peas, bammy and so much more! We also had a Jamaican cultural dance and a fun get- to- know- each -other game as we fellowshipped with our YWAM Jamaica staff.  There were so many smiles, laughter and the joy of the hearing people attending using sign language. 

Back row: Misael, Ellie, Emily, Ruthann, Ray
Bottom: JP and Levi 
(Tycen had not arrived yet) 


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