Carole's Reggae Half Marathon

Reggae Half Marathon in Negril, Jamaica: December 4th, 2023

Trip to Negril

On Saturday, December 3rd,  Dan, Tycen, Veledise, and the kids made the trip with me to Negril so I could register for the half marathon. They spent the day on the beach while I registered, and the kids had a blast!!! 

Our plan was that that we would stay the night in Negril in rooms we had booked. Unfortunately, the place we reserved got double- booked, so there was only one room available. 😢 We decided that Veledise and I would stay the night while Tycen, Dan, and the kids went back to MB. The next day, Tycen woke up at 2 am to drive back and make it before the roads closed so he could cheer me on with Veledise. Thank you, Tycen! Daddy and the kids stayed and cheered Mommy on from MB! The kiddos were sad about missing my race but were glad to sleep in their own beds after the full day. 

Race Day

 The race started at 5:15 am so the runners did not have to race in the heat of the day. That meant we were up early riding the shuttle bus to the race location. Early morning is actually the normal time I run, so this schedule was perfect for me. 

At the start, I was more focused on running the race but did see some beautiful sights and some great Bob Marley quotes. Then, a little before mile 5, I decided to really enjoy the experience, slowing down to take pictures to remember moments of the race.  It felt so good to just enjoy the journey.  

Every mile there was a Bob Marley quote, and every 1/2 mile there was a car with a large speaker blasting one of Bob's songs.  I started the race listening to an audiobook but quickly shut off it off because I could not hear the music around me. For the rest of the race, I kept my earphones in since I was used to wearing them during my long runs, but did not listen to the audiobook. 

For this race, the starting line was also the halfway mark and the finish line. Tycen and Veledise were waiting there to see me when I reached the halfway point. Of course, I stopped and snapped a picture! 

The first half of the race, I just reflected on the 4.5 years that we have been in Jamaica. God has done so much in my life personally, and I really am a different person than who I was when I moved to Jamaica.  As I raced, God highlighted 5 areas in which I have grown during our time in Jamaica: Peacemaking, Confrontation, Setting Healthy Boundaries for myself and others to grow, Godly Leadership and Motherhood. As I ran and reflected, I experienced so much gratitude for the lessons I have learned, even though learning them has been hard. In a future blog, I plan on sharing more deeply about my journey with God in these five areas.

God also had a fun surprise for me on race day!  I unexpectedly saw my Jamaican friend, Joanna. She lives in MB and ran the first 10K in MB with me.  We played the running dance where she passed me, then I passed her, and at times we ran together. For both of us, that race in MB last June was our first 10K. During that race, I was able to really encourage her.  After we finished, she gave me such a big hug and asked to take a picture with me! During this half marathon, I was so surprised to pass her (she is always faster in the beginning half) after passing the 10K mark.  We both remembered each other's name, and I even ran backwards during the race to take a few pictures with her! Since this was her first half marathon too, we shared the experience together.

 During my training 1 hour and 40 minutes was always a hard spot for me, and I always wanted to stop at this point.  I felt really good during the race when I reached this time, and I realized that God was developing in me endurance and perseverance to do hard things. When I began running in Jamaica, I started with just running one mile, then two, and little by little I built up my strength to achieve the running distance at which I desired to be. This is such physical example of what happens spiritually too. We see where we are and where we desire to be (looking like Jesus), but sometimes, we get overwhelmed with the process and just give up. However, if we stay the course with Jesus through perseverance and discipline, one step at a time, we will find we will reach the goal of being more like Him! 

The kids really LOVED these colorful houses when we drove in to Negril, so I took a picture of them during the race. Since these houses were close to the turn-around spot, I was encouraged when I saw them. The picture below is the turn around section of the race.  The home stretch! 

11 Miles was the furthest I had run before this race. During this half marathon, I was going where I had never gone before and was excited to do it with God! This truth made me realize I had spoken so many lies over myself that  God was breaking through this training.  I always said I am not a runner; I can't run long distance.  But during training I have developed the stamina to do long distance running.  I am still a slow runner (truth), but I am a good endurance runner!

  After reaching the halfway mark, no one passed me.  I was able to keep my pace and continue strong to the end. In this last half of the race, I passed others and found myself encouraging them.  Through this experience, I have learned I am a strong finisher. One who can enjoy the journey along the way.   

People and the Journey 

These were two people that I met on the beach the day before when I registered, and I asked them for racing advice.  They kindly encouraged me and shared wisdom.  Michelle, ran the 10K and her husband the half marathon. Even though they did not have to wait for me after they finished their races, they were right there at the finish line, ready to encourage me. That really touched my heart as I imagine they had to wait awhile as I am a slow runner. 

Just like that couple waiting for me at the finish line, I also wanted to wait for my friend. Once again, I am learning that I do not need to compare myself to others.  I just can be who God created me to be and encourage others to be themselves. In this way, we can enjoy the journey together.  The more I accept who I am, the more I can encourage others to accept who they are, too. 

Arriving Home

The kids made me a crown, a medal and a card to celebrate Mommy! Then, as a family, we went out for ice cream to celebrate. 

Is God revealing a place in your life where He wants you to grow and where He desires for you to build up your spiritual endurance so you can be more like Jesus?  I want to encourage you that though the journey may be long or hard, it is so worth it! 


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your blog, Carole! I felt like I was running the race with you as I read. Thanks for sharing. See you in January

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