You may know this verse as RUN the race marked out for you and be wondering why I titled this blog WALK the race. Well, last Friday God called me to WALK the race.
I was riding up an escalator with some friends and I thought I am going to walk up the escalator. I have not have the strength in the past months to walk up it so I started to walk up it. One of my friends started to run up and another friend said we can beat him. I had a feeling that I should stay my pace and walk but I wanted to run too! So I started to run and I ran for a bit and then I took a hard fall down hitting my knee. Ouch it hurt! I was injured and it prevented me from walking normally. That same night, I asked God to reveal something to me through it. What was He trying to teach me as I sensed there was meaning behind the experience.
I waited quietly until He spoke clearly. I called you to walk up. I know that you are excited about what I am doing on earth and how I am bringing my kingdom to earth and you see it. However, do not jump ahead of what I calling you to do. I called you to walk. You decided to run ahead at a completely different pace than I called and you got injured Since you ran ahead, you got injured and now you can not even perform what I called you to do in the original place, which was to walk. Carole, I love you and love your eagerness but just run the race I call you to run. Stick to it and you will experience everything I intend for you at the perfect timing!
So often we jump ahead of God and by doing so we get ourselves injured, thus preventing ourselves from the calling and destiny that we were called for.
God, I am sorry for running ahead of your plan. I receive your forgiveness for not trusting you and taking the situation in my own hands. Jesus I trust you. I trust your plans, timing and will. I trust the pace you call me to run at is the pace you desire me to run at and I trust others are running at the pace you call them. I choose to focus on my race and my pace. I LOVE the pace you called me to walk at and CHOOSE to walk up the escalator! In Jesus name, Amen.
As usual, I am super behind at keeping up with the blog! But I rejoice in what I'm reading!!! Yes and amen to this blog, Carole!! This encourages my spirit to stay at God's pace for me as well.
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