Jesus from Revelation


Description of Jesus from Revelation

He is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. He is coming with the clouds. He is like a son of man, clothed in a long robe and golden sash. His head and hair are white like wool and snow and his eyes are flames of fire. His feet are shinning bronze, and his voice is like the sound of many waters. In his right hand he holds 7 stars and out of his mouth comes a sharp double edged sword. His face is shining like the sun. He walks among the 7 lampstands. He has the keys to death and hades. He is the first and last, who was dead and has come to life. He is the Son of God. He has the 7 spirits of God. He is Holy, true and has the key of David. He is the Amen, the faithful and true witness and the beginning of creation. He is the lion from the tribe of Judah, the root of David, and he has overcome. He is the standing, yet slain Lamb with 7 horns and 7 eyes. Only he is worthy to break the seals. He is the wrathful Lamb clothed in white robes. He is the shepherd and gives guidance to the spring of the water of life. He will wipe away every tear. He stands on Mount Zion. His voice is like the sound of loud thunder and the sound of the harp at the same time. He has a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. He reaps the harvest of the earth. He comes riding a white horse. He is faithful and true and in his righteousness judges and wages war. On his head are many diadems and has His unknown name written on himself. His robe is dipped in blood and he is called the Word of God. He leads the armies of heaven. From his mouth sharp sword strikes down the nations and he rules them with a rod of iron. He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and thigh his name is written, King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the alpha and omega, the first the last, the beginning and the end. He is the bright morning star. He is coming quickly!

Have faith . . . a lesson from Hebrews


Every week in our bible school, God has been revealing universal truths within the books we are studying that He calls me to apply to my life. I want to start blogging about the truths He has shared in the school, so once or twice a week for the next couple weeks I will post another blog from a book we have studied or the one we are studying.
Hebrews: Unlike other letters in the NT, the author never identifies himself, nor does he clearly state who he is writing the letter to. However throughout the book, we learn a lot about the author and the recipients. We know that the author is a Jew who is well versed in the OT scriptures as well as the sacrificial system required by the Law of Moses, the first covenant God established with his people. The most accepted authors are Paul and then Barnabas. The author was writing primary to Jewish believers who received the truth of Jesus through testimonies of the apostles, but because of persecution by other Jews as well as the Roman government were falling back into the Old covenant and their old way of having a relationship with God through the law. Judaism was an accepted religion under the Roman Empire, however Christianity or the Way was not accepted thus followers were persecuted. The author wrote clearly explaining that the Old covenant was not the way God related to his people anymore and how Jesus completely fulfills the requirements of the role of high priest and how with the change of a high priest there is also a change of law, thus a new covenant was been inaugurated by God. He rebuked their unbelief and challenged and encouraged them to come completely under Jesus Christ as their High Priest and under the New Covenant by faith. Calling them to have faith and endurance for the life here on earth.
Universal Truth: Faith is an inner conviction of the truth of the nature of God (He will fulfill his promises) that leads to taking actions of obedience based on His nature. God is pleased by our faith.

I totally related this to the trust fall. Just like the trust fall, you need to have an inner conviction of the truth of the nature of the people you are allowing yourself to fall into. I had faith in my friends that they would not let me fall and they would catch me. I had not doubt in my mind because I know my friends. Thus, I was able to take a step of obedience and fall backwards into the air because of the truth I was convinced of. The same is true for God. Our faith is not based on who we are or what we can see but faith is based on the nature of who God is, the truth that He is a God that is faithful to his promises and I can takes steps of obedience based on the truth of who I know He is. And by taking steps of obedience my faith increases and it is pleasing to God.

God is calling me to apply this to my life NOW! As Dan and I are called to move to Washington DC in a month, there are many things that I can not see or are unknown to us, that my natural instinct is to want to fall back into the things I know like serving in Costa Rica with normal DTSs. How often when God guides us to a new and better way or plan for our lives, do we decide to stay in the place where we are familiar with and know well? I know that my God is faithful, and that He will keep this promises! It is his desire to see more people that are Deaf to come to know him personally, I only have a little percent (heart) of the amount of the heart he has for them. This week, God has brought me to the place of inner conviction that the plans He has for Dan and I in DC are not based on who we are or what we can do but they are based on WHO GOD IS! And HE IS a GOD who is FAITHFUL, HE IS a GOD who KEEPS HIS PROMISES, HE IS a GOD who has a GOOD PLAN FOR US and LOVES US UNCONITIONALLY! Based on who GOD IS, we are taking a step of obedience, and moving to DC, without things seen but many things hoped for.
Are you walking in faith in the situations in your life? Are you walking the path that God is calling you to walk in faith? Are you basing your steps of obedience on who you are and what you can do or on who GOD is and what HE can do? I challenge you to step out of the known and into the things unseen, knowing the truth of the nature of God. HAVE FAITH!