Valor Knight's Name Unveiled


Valor Knight

We believe that Valor Knight is a Victorious, Trustworthy Bringer of Peace. 
And one who has great courage when facing danger in battle for the Lord.


In the Bible the word Valor is used for warriors of the OT. For example, when referring to the mighty men of David, in some versions it says, the men of valor. One of the first and main identity words that we received very early on in pregnancy and was confirmed multiple times from a variety of people was that this child was going to be a warrior. As we prayed into the kind of warrior that he would be and a name that would fit the pieces that God had given us about his identity, Valor was a name that popped into my head. As we prayed and researched more in the Bible, this word stood out in both Dan’s and my mind.

For me, Carole, the two references that really stood out in the Bible that use the word valor were in Joshua 8, the Fall of Ai, as well as first Samuel 30, the Rescue of Ziklag. Both of the armies of Israel had just come off of a huge defeat, and from this place, God calls the men of valor to rise up to victory. In both of the stories, at first it appeared Israel was completely defeated. They had a great loss, but the men of valor rose up believing victory could be won with God on their side.

These stories stood out to me when during the process of trying to get pregnant with our second child, I felt defeated. Then God turned that defeat into victory as Valor was conceived. In addition, throughout the pregnancy there were multiple times when it seemed like our son was experiencing defeat before even being born! For example, our 20 week ultrasound showed that my placenta was attached low and that our baby boy had a cyst in his brain. Praise God that my placenta moved to a normal range, and his cyst dissolved and his brain developed normally. Then later in pregnancy, he was in a very unique position that could have caused difficulties during labor. However, from that place he shifted and moved into a better birthing position.

In contrast to the spirit of defeat, we believe that our son will be fearless and relentless to see the resurrection power of God displayed through victory. He will be one that takes courage and chooses to go on the offensive in battle, in the midst of danger, trusting God will bring a victory.

Once again, just like deciding on Olive’s name, God spoke confirmation to Dan for the name Valor in a different way and through a different Bible verse. The Bible verse that stood out the most to Dan was in Judges 6 when God called out the identity of Gideon through an angel saying as “The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor”. As a response, Gideon built an altar and called it, “The Lord is Peace” after God said “Peace be with you.”

In that Biblical story, Gideon asked God for a sign. Then Gideon used reasoning and wisdom, asking that the fleece be wet one day and then be dry the next day. It was simple logic that Gideon asked God for. In return, as Gideon was called, he was confident in God to go into battle. God used that same simple, wise reasoning to reveal to Gideon the 300 men that should stay for the battle, making sure Israel recognized the victory came from God, not from man’s strength. God continued to use wisdom over man’s strength in the battle, using torches in jars to make the enemy believe more Israelites were fighting than there actually were.

As we have been praying about the identity of this child, we believe that he will have the same characteristics of God found in Gideon in the Old Testament: simple logic and clear wisdom. He will be a wise leader in battle who brings peace wherever He goes.


We also prayed into the kind of warrior that our son would be. The character that God actually envisioned in my mind was William Wallace from the movie Braveheart. He was one that didn’t want war but recognized when war needed to happen for others to have freedom. His uncle taught him how to fight with his mind and use wisdom not only physical strength.

As we were trying to find a name that fit this identity piece, Dan felt that Knight, or Knighthood, was the kind of warrior that I was describing. We believe our son will be wise, a warrior that brings truth and justice, one who is trustworthy, faithful, and kind- hearted, and a warrior who uses his mind in battle, not only his physical might. Valor Knight would be a man of honor, courage, and mercy, showing humility and grace. Knight embraced the essence of these characteristics.

In conclusion, there were a total of 15 identity pieces that we received over our son during this pregnancy that we are declaring and believing for him: visionary, bringer of balance, warrior, a storyteller, surrendered, relentless, wise leader, a man of understanding, speaker of truth, confident, victorious in the face of defeat, kind-hearted, peacemaker, a man of rest, and a rock from intimacy.

Arriving Home to His Big Sister who was eagerly waiting 

Olive's first glance series 

A big thank you to Grandma McClelland, 
who arrived a day before Valor was born to help with Olive
and Valor actually shares a birthday with her, July 22nd! 
Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Olive has had loads of fun with grandma. 
They have gone to the park, drawn pictures, and cooked delicious meals!! 

On a final note, my beloved Grandmother Edith, my dad's mother in Chicago, passed away this week, four days after Valor Knight was born.  I am so grateful that she was able to see pictures of Valor and hear his birth story before she passed. She lived a full life and loved God and her family well.  
She will be dearly missed. I love you, Grandma.


Spring Travels: Trip #2: Boston and a Quick Stop in NY

Our second trip to Boston, we were blessed to have Daddy with us! 

We visited a good friend of ours, Alissa and her husband, Chris! Alissa and I only attended one year at Illinois State University together, but loved each other so much we have kept in touch since 2006. She is an amazing friend but also has blessed our ministry by coming and interpreting for our Discipleship Training School on multiple occasions. While we were there, Alissa and Chris opened the door for us in Boston to share about what we do with people from their church. We are so grateful for both of them. 

One of Olive's favorite things of the weekend was watching Chris's soccer game. She cheered for him so loudly, and when he happened to come near where we were seated to throw the ball back in the game, she screamed with excitement! She was his biggest fan!

We also got to visit Alissa's work, "The Learning Center for the Deaf". Alissa had many books in her office that she signed to Olive, which our daughter loved!

In Boston, we had the opportunity to share about our ministry with Chris and Alissa's Bible study. We loved meeting this fun group, which showed us such amazing community and hospitality. After attending their church on Sunday morning, we had the opportunity to meet and encourage Mike and Renae who are in the process of moving to Burkina Faso to be missionaries for the Deaf. It was so easy to chat with them as they have the same heart and spirit as us. Dan, Olive, and I had a great time connecting with old and new friends in Boston.

We also got a family day in Boston. Yay! We walked the Freedom Trail and saw beautiful parks. 

In addition, we got to see good friends, Jonathan and Priscilla and meet their son, Oz, for the first time. They are an amazing family who taught in the first ASL DTS we led, and we are so excited to share that they will be coming back this Fall and teaching in this school. We also got to see Brandon, who was a student in the first ASL DTS and staffed with us for 2 years. He was and is amazing with Olive, and it was so good to get a good hug from him. To us, he is family. It was amazing to catch up and walk through a National Park, which was literally in Jonathan and Pricilla's backyard. 

On our way to Boston and back, we had the opportunity to make our dinner stop in NJ with Dan's brother and our sister- in- law, Grant and Sarah. Olive got to play with her cousins, Talia and Tanner, for her car break. It was a fun and refreshing stop. We even learned a few new tricks from this amazing mama on how to keep walking in the city exciting. We are so glad that NY was halfway to Boston, and so blessed to call them family!