Enjoy the Journey: Dan ran his 1st Marathon

Dan has been training to run a marathon since January and last week Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, May 19th 2013 he did it! God was teaching him not only to finish the marathon but to enjoy the journey of 26.2 miles!

Dan and I cooking cutting veggie for a carb packed, veggie and quiona dinner the night before the race!
Dan and his dad, Rick, researching how to get to the race by metro in Columbus, Ohio!

Dan's mom, Patty, pinning on his number! 1367, a prime number that can not be divided! He would be completely focused on Jesus during the marathon!

Before the race in the Browns stadium! He is ready! 

Start of the race! Go runners go!

 Dan at the start, running with fire on his feet on Pentecost Sunday! Where is Dan? Can you find him?


Dan's parents and I waited at mile 12 to cheer him on!  He spotted me and was coming towards me!

One way, God spoke to him on how to enjoy the journey was to stop and give me a kiss when he saw me! Mom was able to capture it! Here it is! 

And off he goes again!  Only 14.2 miles to go! 

This was my pose and face after being blessed and surprised by the kiss by Dan! I knew he was enjoying the journey! I LOVE MY HUSBAND! 

Another way, God called Dan to enjoy the journey was to share with 5 people that it was Pentecost Sunday and get into a conversation about Jesus!  So along the way as he passed people, he would share, did you know it is Pentecost Sunday, the day when fire from heaven came down and the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit.  I feel the fire in my feet! 

After running 26.2 miles, Dan is approaching the finish line! 

He crossed the line and with arms held up screamed NIKE: Victory! 

For the first part of the race, there was a nice cloud covering, but when Dan had about an hour left the sun came out and there was a red flag at the race due to the heat conditions.  Dan wanted to give it all he had and he did!  

He was helped to the medical tent due to heat stoke! The tent was full of others who also gave it all they got! The average temp was 105 to 107 of the runners that were finishing around when Dan finished! He was give a ice cold water bath and an IV drip to re-hydrate himself! 

Dan after recovering from heat stoke, posing with his medal! He did it! 26.2 miles in 3:45:22 secs! 
But most importantly, he enjoyed the journey along the way! 

ASL worship chorus: Breaking Free from the Burdens of the World for your Peace

YWAM is currently having 10 days of 24/7 worship and prayer from May 9th through May 19th.  Everyday, Dan and I have a 2 hour worship set and we decided worship Jesus through American Sign Language for the 10 days! It has been an amazing growing experience for us both as we explore with God the dimensions of worshiping Him in new ways! One of those new ways is with a simple 4 rhythm drum beat and then creating an simple chorus in ASL. 

This video is from yesterday's worship set.  I was feeling overwhelmed with all the burdens the world gives us.  So I expressed myself through worship and created an ASL worship chorus that is sung over and over until the message has sunk into my heart. I declared through ASL worship that I am breaking free from the stress and burdens of the world and receiving God's overwhelming peace! After worshiping this chorus for a while I felt the weight lift off of me! I love how worshiping Jesus gives us a new perspective!

Chorus in ASL: 



Testimonies: Evangelism Week at Gallaudet University

Video from one of the nights of worship!  Dancing with joy for Jesus!

Below are some testimonies from people on the Kona team and Gallaudet students!

Esther Drake: I am so blessed to meet KONA team because I felt that they encourage me to through the dark valley even though if I feel afraid. I feel I became more bold in Christ and I am now able to meet new people. I felt hopeless and looked at negative side about Gallaudet. After the week the Kona team came, I can see everything better and the veil is gone. I am aware that I am accessible to father anytime. I am eager to increase my faith in Him.

YAMIN ZHAI : The best experience for me at Gallaudet was to see Christians being gathered, encouraged, and built up, everything completely effortless. It seems that just us being there made all the difference. Now, there are not just three Christian students each on their own, but a motivated and loving community.

MIKE CARBONARA : Our week at Gallaudet was very comfortable for me, like I wasn't as intimidated to talk to people.  I was able to have small conversations with strangers using the sign that I knew, and it was really fun.  Worshipping with our deaf friends is really incredible and is freeing to be expressive to The Lord in new and different ways.  

KAYLA MAY : Gallaudet was one of the most amazing experiences I've had so far!! God's hand was definitely with us as we learned to preach the gospel in sign rather quickly. It ended up that the first time I tried, the lady was speaking! She said she just enjoyed watching us try to sign! I think the best things about being there was seeing how open almost everyone was to hearing the gospel, and even asking questions about it.... and also being able to encourage the christians already there, and giving them tools to keep their fires stoked!

RACHEL STOGSDILL : My week at Gallaudet was amazing. It was incredible to see how open the students were to talking about Jesus, and how easy it was to talk with them. Now, I have a deep passion for revival in the deaf community. I know that the Lord has a great desire to bring the campus back to it's original design. I believe that Jesus will bring revival to the university.