DTS Arrival Testimonies, Orientation and Welcome Dinner


DTS Students Arrival

Ruth-Ann, our one Jamaican student, is the girl pictured above. God started working 2 weeks earlier than the DTS arrival time for Ruth-Ann. Originally, she was not able to do the DTS as she needed to finish her work experience before completing her vocational training program and was waiting on a hotel in MB to accept her. However, God worked out a better plan for Ruth-Ann! She was able to complete her mandatory 2 weeks of work experience in our YWAM industrial kitchen right before the DTS started. This allowed her to graduate from her vocational training program AND join this DTS! She is one that LOVES the Lord and is so excited to see and be part of the Kingdom of God growing in Jamaica.

It was actually a fun couple of weeks as we had 2 interns in the kitchen. (Unfortunately, the other Jamaican was not able to come to DTS due to family commitments during the same time). That same week we had 4 Deaf men from the Deaf school serve as volunteers doing outside work around the base for their program requirement while our staff training was happening also. It was a busy, but fun, week. 

Below is Andrea Pitt is pictured with two Deaf interns.  Andrea is a hearing YWAM JA staff who prayed a bold prayer for a Jamaican student to be in this DTS after our hope was gone.  And I love how God worked it out through her as she was the kitchen supervisor for the 2 weeks of internship!  We are so excited for all that God will do in Ruth-Ann's life and that she is representing Jamaica in this DTS.

Misael from Belize and his pastor, Nathanael, were the first to arrive at the base. Misael has been waiting to come to Jamaica for a long time; I think over a year -and- a- half!  He had applied and was accepted in the last DTS, but due to a few situations, he had to postpone attending until this one.  After just a few days, we knew it was God's timing that he is here for this one, and he is a perfect fit! It was Misael's first flight out of his country (and the first time experiencing an elevator, escalator etc.) When they arrived, they were immediately family.  Both Misael and his pastor were able to spend 4 days exploring Jamaica before Nathanael flew back.  We are so blessed to have Misael here with us and so thankful for the people in Belize who have poured into him and discipled him his whole life. He is an amazing man of God and God has so many plans for him this season. 

Emily (with glasses) and Ray were the next to arrive and settle into the base. Emily has many testimonies of God providing financially for her to be here in Jamaica, as well as finding her receipt for her Entry Visa payment at home just in time to send to the Consulate and then receiving the visa approval before the Consulate sent her passport back to her to make her flight. So excited for the many miracles God wants to do in Emily's life and her faith for them! Meanwhile, Ray was in NJ, closest to NY Consulate, and was willing to go in person, if we needed her to, to represent any of the students in order to get their passports back for their flights.  God worked out everyone getting their passports returned without Ray going in, but we LOVE her willingness to be a servant to others. We are all so glad they are both here with us! 


Levi (born in Ethiopia) and JP (born in Liberia), both adopted by Americans, met each other during their layover and flew to Jamaica together. God already had adventures in store for these men, as heavy rains in Montego Bay the day of their arrival caused the plane to divert to Kingston for landing and refueling. Finally, 4 hours later, after the rains stopped, their plane was able to land in MB. Levi's passport was also the one that "could not be found" at the Consulate for a few days, but after much prayer and an amazing new worker who diligently searched, it was found again!  Levi is one that is willing to do whatever is needed and serve.  JP is very outgoing, friendly and is already drawing this group together by stirring up God and Bible conversations all the time.

Ellie, who has spend time on the island serving before, arrived early to spend time with friends. When we dropped off Nathanael, we were able to pick up Ellie from the bus stop at the same time.  She was the first student to be interested, apply, get her Entry Visa and arrive on the island.  She is a pioneer and willing to go where others have not gone and to follow God, no matter who else is with her! So blessed to have Ellie, who loves Jesus and LOVES Jamaica with us this season. 

This man is a man of faith.  This is Tycen, Veledise's husband! He had so many obstacles to overcome, but God provided a way through every one of them; even when there seemed to be no way. All praise goes to Jesus! The hurdles involved needing approval for 6 months of his daily medicine for the DTS, waiting for his passport to arrive (after losing his tracking number) and having his car breaking down on the way to the airport which caused a delay of his arrival. However, through all the storms that were thrown his way, Tycen kept his faith and stood on the Rock of Jesus! We are so excited for this man of God to be able to experience God for the next 5 months with us, and for both Veledise and Tycen to learn how to follow Jesus together as a newly married couple.

DTS Orientation
The most important things we shared were the two goals for this DTS: 
1. To Fall Madly in Love with Jesus 
2. To become one (Team unity) 

Everything we do as a team will be pointing to this two goals.  The season is already off to an amazing start, and the team is developing a great unity in Christ. 

Welcome Dinner: Host Country Jamaica

We had a great Welcome Dinner night!  The students were welcomed so well with amazing natural decorations and a delicious Jamaican meal of Jerk Chicken, rice and peas, bammy and so much more! We also had a Jamaican cultural dance and a fun get- to- know- each -other game as we fellowshipped with our YWAM Jamaica staff.  There were so many smiles, laughter and the joy of the hearing people attending using sign language. 

Back row: Misael, Ellie, Emily, Ruthann, Ray
Bottom: JP and Levi 
(Tycen had not arrived yet) 

Healthy Transition to a Family in Missions


After a moment of losing control of her behavior, and of having a time out to calm down, Olive and I talked. 

 I said, "Olive, I want to disciple you in a deeper way.” 

Mom, what does disciple mean?” Olive replied.   

It means that I want to have intentional time with you where I teach you all that I have learned with my relationship with Jesus.  We would have one- on- ones where I would walk alongside you, talking about things with which you are struggling and how you can grow in those areas to become more like Jesus. I would share stories and struggles in my own life so you can go further and deeper with Jesus than I am. We all fail again and again during our lives. However, we would celebrate as you get up from failure and continue to grow in your walk with God.” 

Mom, you do that with Deaf people.” 

I nodded my head yes. She thought about it for a second and then asked, “You want to do that with me?”


Yes,” I replied. 

 “Okay mom!  Yes, I want you to disciple me too!

I just stared at my 7 year- old daughter.  It was a Holy Spirit moment, and I could not shake it.  God was already doing so much in challenging me in the area of investing into my children more. But this was a very clear moment of truth as the Holy Spirit put my call to disciple my children right in front of my face. I could not put it off any more. 

There was so much to process with her simple response.  First, when I described discipling, Olive recognized that I do that with Deaf people.  That was great. I am a missionary, and she sees what we do.However, at the same time, Olive did not realize/feel I do that with her too. She recognizes how intentional I am with Deaf people but not with her, my own child.

In all honesty, the last two years have been difficult as a family.  Olive and Valor are growing and more aware of what we do as missionaries, as well as also recognizing that they want more time with their parents who are on the mission field.  We have surrendered and sacrificed much and seen the Lord do amazing things through this. However, this last year we saw the effects of this on our family in a very real way.  We have struggled as a family to set boundaries and prioritize our family as we live and lead a daily DTS community. There is always something to fix or a meeting to have as Dan or I pour into our young leaders. For me, Carole, the last two years have been full of doctors visits, as we have had emergency after emergency. There have been two moves and two outreaches where one of us as parents is gone for longer periods of time.  All these things have put a strain on Dan and I, thus affecting our family. The reality is that after a full day’s work (most of the time more than a full day's work), we are tired and have little energy left to invest, to disciple and to teach our children.  I am just being very honest and real. This is something we have noticed and really wanted to change, but change has come slowly.

God had been prompting us that we needed to set boundaries for our family, and last year, we began an intentional Family Sabbath where we take a full day, asking our community for no interruptions except emergencies. This has been a time when our family can rest, play, seek God together etc.  This rest day has been glorious in the last season! Yet, Dan and I slowly recognized that one time a week of a good connection was not enough. Last spring, the kids had some behaviors that showed clearly they needed more from us as parents, but, honestly, we did not have the energy to address them in their fullness. Both Olive and Valor started to be more vocal about their need for more time with Mommy and Daddy. For example, if I had to take a person to the doctor and the appointment ran longer than expected, I would have to pick Valor up from school and return to the doctor’s office.  During the car ride home, I would be talking to the Deaf person instead of him. Then one day he voiced, " This is my time with Mommy.  Mommy talk with me.”  I recognized that he valued the car rides alone with me so much that when we did not have that time, he was upset. Then during the last outreach, when I had to leave home for a week, Olive cried, " But a family sabbath is not a sabbath without you, Mommy. Please do not go."  We did get to the place where Olive was able to pray for me and the team as I left and then pray daily for us at night, but it was a hard week for Dan at home. 

This summer provided a time for us as a family to rest, without the daily responsibilities leading a community, and we were intentional in providing time for just our family in the midst of visiting others.  It took a little time, but after resting, Dan and I were able to see the effects of the year on our children and began to address some of the habits we saw in them.  Addressing one of these behaviors produced the conversation with Olive above.  We also started to implement small changes, such as both of us doing bedtime (the last two years has us alternating who is at the evening activities for the DTS, such as Bible study or worship etc, and who did bedtime).  Both of us taking the time to facilitate bedtime has provided more time for devotions and reading stories which our children love!  I started reading chapter books with Olive earlier this year, but got too tired as the schedule intensified, thus this Spring I stopped reading to her.  When I took up reading with her again this summer, she expressed how much she enjoyed it. Now with Daddy doing Valor’s bedtime reading, I am able to read a chapter book and devotion specifically geared to her age and interests. 

Throughout the summer, Dan and I were able to debrief, process, and get advice on how we can, as a family, set more healthy boundaries, like our family sabbaths, this next year.  We realized we started missions as a couple with no children. During that season, we were very intentional about time for our marriage with weekly date nights and other times set apart for just us. However, after reflecting on our ministry throughout the last two years, Dan and I recognize that we never really transitioned to a “family” in missions. Truthfully, Dan and I have been running at the same pace as full-time missionaries that we ran as a couple when we did not have children. Now, with two children that are growing and with us recognizing our desire to have them know Jesus deeper while growing in their character in all areas of their life, Dan and I knew a shift needed to happen.  

We continued to make healthy changes for our family when we returned to Montego Bay. Returning to Jamaica earlier this year than other summers, gave us more opportunity to be intentional with the kids. By returning in early August, Olive and Valor had a month before school began. This gave our family a month to "practice" healthier boundaries. As we are moving into another full Fall schedule, we are continuing these boundaries for our schedule and within our community. First, we established that both of us would be at home for bedtimes every night, continuing the evening routines established this summer, and allow our staff to lead the DTS evening activities this year.  Another new boundary on our time is when the kids are at home, only one of us "works" and the other is fully present with Olive and Valor. This required a shift in the way we had been operating as both of us had things to do when we got back (preparing for DTS housing and working with students on visa to get into Jamaica). It has required us to communicate more about priorities within our jobs and release each other to work while the other puts their work on hold. This requires trust that God will provide the time needed to complete everything in His timing, not ours.  

As we move forward, Dan and I want to continue this approach to ministry. This school year, when the kids arrive home from school, Mommy will be done working for the day early and be present at home. As we make these changes, we want to honor both the calling that God has given us but also the family He has given us. Two other changes we will be making are, first, that dinner will be eaten with the community before we pull away as a family for bedtime, and second, one of our students will be helping our family in the afternoon, providing a native sign language model for our children. This student will also provide support for me at home when Dan serves the community. With this help, we can give but also be blessed by the community.  Our staff community, all who are single, have been very understanding and supportive. We believe by making these changes, our family can set a better example, for our single staff and other missionary families, in how to balance a family while doing full-time mission work. 

Dan, Olive, Valor, and I have already had some practice this month with our new routines. Here are some pictures of all the fun activities that we have been able to do with the kids this month. Please pray that we continue to be intentional this year with our children even when the schedule is demanding.  As we make decisions for the ministry, we are thinking first about how it will affect our family unit and prioritizing that this year.  Thank you so much for your continued prayers for our family; especially as we invest in the two children that God has given us to teach and to disciple.

One thing we set up was the concept of family chores!  Everyone does their part is helping the family.  It has been such a blessing to be able to involve the kids in every part of what we do as parents. It does take more energy and time, but so worth it!   Every meal, Olive helps wash dishes and Valor washes the table and stacks the chairs to prepare for sweeping! 

Both of our children love being in the kitchen.  So we have involved them much more over, Olive made some simple meals with my support and Valor loves helping me with everything! Here we made hummus and green beans (although Olive was eating more of them than snapping off the ends. Haha.)   Below I captured a picture of both of them helping organize and fold laundry.  Valor loves to help and it has been good to develop and work on Olive's work ethic! 

This summer, Valor also expressed wanting to learn more sign language to be able to communicate better with our Deaf friends, so Valor and Mummy, have been having sign time everyday! And we have so much fun doing it! We have practice our animals, colors and numbers and more! 

Valor also gets up super early and this month, I have set out an independent activity every evening for him to do in the morning, so Daddy and Mommy can get a little more sleep!  He loves this and was so sad one day when I forgot. 

Olive is sooooo creative!! She loves art and thinking outside of the box.  This is so different than me I often have had a hard time encouraging this part of Olive.  This last month, I decided to have an art table where she can create, explore and have fun!  She has loved it and created so many amazing things! And I have grown to really appreciate this part of Olive. 

She made puppets and did a puppet show for Valor when he was sick.  

Here she is displaying her some of her art work! She made a family of bunnies, a horse from a rock and a shelf for her Barbies from a Mac and Cheese box!  It has been fun to see this part of Olive become alive. 

Olive also LOVES reading!!! One of her favorite things that we started this summer when we were both doing bedtime was Mommy doing a devotional with her as well as reading a higher level chapter book at her age level, when Daddy is doing Valor's bedtime.  She has LOVED this quality time with mom.  We also have intentioannlly seeked out how to get more books on her kindle as she reads through them so fast! Both Grandmas got library cards for us to use the Ebooks for her and she is so thrilled with the larger selection, you can see her expression in the below with Daddy adding more on her kindle! Thank you, Grandmas!

We have also played so many games, did puzzles, spend time coloring and reading the Bible!  It has been such a great month with intentionally with our kids.  

Will you continue to pray for us as a family to continue this throughout the year, when school and the training schools start.