Spring Travels: Trip #2: Boston and a Quick Stop in NY

Our second trip to Boston, we were blessed to have Daddy with us! 

We visited a good friend of ours, Alissa and her husband, Chris! Alissa and I only attended one year at Illinois State University together, but loved each other so much we have kept in touch since 2006. She is an amazing friend but also has blessed our ministry by coming and interpreting for our Discipleship Training School on multiple occasions. While we were there, Alissa and Chris opened the door for us in Boston to share about what we do with people from their church. We are so grateful for both of them. 

One of Olive's favorite things of the weekend was watching Chris's soccer game. She cheered for him so loudly, and when he happened to come near where we were seated to throw the ball back in the game, she screamed with excitement! She was his biggest fan!

We also got to visit Alissa's work, "The Learning Center for the Deaf". Alissa had many books in her office that she signed to Olive, which our daughter loved!

In Boston, we had the opportunity to share about our ministry with Chris and Alissa's Bible study. We loved meeting this fun group, which showed us such amazing community and hospitality. After attending their church on Sunday morning, we had the opportunity to meet and encourage Mike and Renae who are in the process of moving to Burkina Faso to be missionaries for the Deaf. It was so easy to chat with them as they have the same heart and spirit as us. Dan, Olive, and I had a great time connecting with old and new friends in Boston.

We also got a family day in Boston. Yay! We walked the Freedom Trail and saw beautiful parks. 

In addition, we got to see good friends, Jonathan and Priscilla and meet their son, Oz, for the first time. They are an amazing family who taught in the first ASL DTS we led, and we are so excited to share that they will be coming back this Fall and teaching in this school. We also got to see Brandon, who was a student in the first ASL DTS and staffed with us for 2 years. He was and is amazing with Olive, and it was so good to get a good hug from him. To us, he is family. It was amazing to catch up and walk through a National Park, which was literally in Jonathan and Pricilla's backyard. 

On our way to Boston and back, we had the opportunity to make our dinner stop in NJ with Dan's brother and our sister- in- law, Grant and Sarah. Olive got to play with her cousins, Talia and Tanner, for her car break. It was a fun and refreshing stop. We even learned a few new tricks from this amazing mama on how to keep walking in the city exciting. We are so glad that NY was halfway to Boston, and so blessed to call them family!



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