Candida Infection: The mountain . . . our first VICTORY!

So after the visit with the Herbalist, I started to follow the strict diet and cut out all sugar. On the way home from PA, the bus ride, I started to feel sick.   We arrived back and I was sick in bed for 5 days with a sore throat and body pains and headaches.  I felt like I was hit by a car! I was so weak that I could not even get out of bed to take a shower. For the next two weeks, it was 1 good day where I had energy and strength and then two DETOX days (weak days where I had no strength or energy).  And during that time my body would still react to food, even though I was following the list the specialist gave me rigidly! 

One day during this time on a good day, I was walking back from a Yes Organic Market near where we were living and I approached an upward incline, a mountain to me! I need to walk up it to get home.  I started to walk up and did not have the strength to continue going.  I started to cry because not being able to walk up and questioning myself what was happening to me and my body.  Cry because of how weak I felt and so not in control and that I did not have strength to continue.  I started to look at the storms and waves in my life and I started to sink.  

I cried out to God to save me and give me strength to arrive home.  I stood still looking at the rest of the mountain before me waiting on God. I felt him say,

"My daughter, whom I love, it is ok to stop and rest as long as your eyes are fixed on me and your desire to continue to follow me forward.  It is not how important how fast you go but where you are going that matters to me."

 I stopped and rested, keeping my eyes forward and mind on Jesus the whole time.   After a while, and I collected myself, I started the upward mountain with renewed strength and energy.  I walked slow with a constant pace and made it up the hill! 

When I arrived on top it was literally a HUGE VICTORY! And I celebrated as much as I could! I jumped a few times and shouted! Saying Yes God! Thank you God! Not caring what other people thought, as there was a bus stop right across the street of the top of the hill and a person waiting at it! God and I just fought and won my first battle with Candida and I was rejoicing! 

After the hill, there was easy flat ground all the way home.  I felt like I was skipping home that day! As I crossed the street and felt the nudge of the Father speaking promises over me.  

"I promise you will make it to flat ground. You are at the bottom of the mountain right now but you will make it to flat ground again."

I arrived home, my body exhausted but my spirit ALIVE! I knew the only way I was going to get through this life experience and trial was by keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus and searching out God's ultimate purpose and plan in it all.  I was determined in every stage to be a seeker of God in the mist of a storm.  And that is exactly what I did.  I dove into the bible searching for scripture and promises that I could hold on to during this time. 

And WOW did God spoke! He gave me scriptures to hold on to, revealed How He has been preparing me and my circumstances for a battle of Candida for his higher purposes in my life! In the next blog I will share about how He opened my eyes to see all of His planning. 


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