Join us for . . . 5 days of prayer for the Supreme Court and Sanctity of Marriage

In 1973 Roe v. Wade stunned the American Church and in many ways, took her by surprise. For 40 years now we have been battling to remove this plague of Abortion from our land.  What we wouldn’t all give to be able to wind back the clock and have a do-over! It’s way easier to stop a strong man before he gets into your house, than to take the house back after he’s made it his stronghold.  

We know God hears prayer, holds the hearts of kings in his hands, and honors our supplications as much as Elijah's! If it were December 13, 1971 again and the Oral Argument of Roe vs Wade were being held at the Supreme Court, to what length would we go to mobilize prayer for those nine Justices?  Considering the cost of 55 million lives since,  I'm sure we all would bring everything to a grinding halt to pray for the nine “Supremes”.

My friends, the Roe v. Wade of our generation has come upon us. March 26 & 27, the Supreme Court will hear cases Hollingsworth v. Perry and United States v. Windsor. Both cases are really Sexual Immorality v. Sanctity of Marriage.  Will the Supreme Court of the United States call sexual immorality equal to holy matrimony?  This is a spiritual war, and you had better believe we can win it, or we’ve already lost!  40 years later, we have an opportunity to show God that we are different now.  The children of Israel were in the desert for 40 years because of their unbelief and also for a generation to learn how to fight.  Let us not be prayer-less or faithless! Let’s repent of our unbelief and passivity! Let’s rise and pray!

God has spoken and confirmed to our intercession community in DC to mobilize the mobilizers to prayer for the Supreme Court and the sanctity of marriage.  God has through a couple of dreams confirmed these things:
Five days of prayer and fasting Feb 18 - 22. Please fast and pray with us. This fast is a fast for mobilization. Ask God for strategy. Gather the army. Repent of passivity. This is a month before the cases will actually be heard.  We received these dates from the Holy Spirit for no apparent reason.  We know in the natural this gives us a month after those 5 days to mobilize beyond ourselves. Secondly we also know that many of the justices make up their minds before the oral arguments, simply through reading the legal briefs from both sides. 

Pray for all the Supreme Court Justices, but specifically for Justice Kennedy. We know that Justice Kennedy will likely be the swing vote on this case.  One of our intercessors had a dream in relation to this issue in which was spoken the phrase, “Justice Kennedy -our swing vote - is in the church.”

Let’s pray that God would slam the door shut to the spirit of sexual immorality in America and deliver a generation from sexual confusion.  Let’s take the keys of David and lock shut the door!

I believe God has given us an opportunity to turn back the clock. If we rise up in prayer, and in faith, I believe God will reverse Roe, too, as we show him that we are a different church 40 years later.  Joshuas and Calebs, let’s go in and take promised Land!

Jason Hershey

Jason Hershey resides in Washington DC and leads a community of full-time intercessors committed to standing in the Gap for America. He is the founder of David’s Tent DC and Washington House of Prayer.  If you’d like to come and pray on site in Washington DC, please email,


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