Testimonies: Evangelism Week at Gallaudet University

Video from one of the nights of worship!  Dancing with joy for Jesus!

Below are some testimonies from people on the Kona team and Gallaudet students!

Esther Drake: I am so blessed to meet KONA team because I felt that they encourage me to through the dark valley even though if I feel afraid. I feel I became more bold in Christ and I am now able to meet new people. I felt hopeless and looked at negative side about Gallaudet. After the week the Kona team came, I can see everything better and the veil is gone. I am aware that I am accessible to father anytime. I am eager to increase my faith in Him.

YAMIN ZHAI : The best experience for me at Gallaudet was to see Christians being gathered, encouraged, and built up, everything completely effortless. It seems that just us being there made all the difference. Now, there are not just three Christian students each on their own, but a motivated and loving community.

MIKE CARBONARA : Our week at Gallaudet was very comfortable for me, like I wasn't as intimidated to talk to people.  I was able to have small conversations with strangers using the sign that I knew, and it was really fun.  Worshipping with our deaf friends is really incredible and is freeing to be expressive to The Lord in new and different ways.  

KAYLA MAY : Gallaudet was one of the most amazing experiences I've had so far!! God's hand was definitely with us as we learned to preach the gospel in sign rather quickly. It ended up that the first time I tried, the lady was speaking! She said she just enjoyed watching us try to sign! I think the best things about being there was seeing how open almost everyone was to hearing the gospel, and even asking questions about it.... and also being able to encourage the christians already there, and giving them tools to keep their fires stoked!

RACHEL STOGSDILL : My week at Gallaudet was amazing. It was incredible to see how open the students were to talking about Jesus, and how easy it was to talk with them. Now, I have a deep passion for revival in the deaf community. I know that the Lord has a great desire to bring the campus back to it's original design. I believe that Jesus will bring revival to the university.


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